Male vs Female

edited October 2009 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
Does anyone have an opinion on whether owning, or should i say being owned, by a male or female Kai Ken has an advantages or disadvantages? It would just be my husband, myself, and a cat (not sure if we would get male or female). The Kai Ken would be primarily mine. So what sex is recommended for a female owner?


  • edited November -1
    6 months ago, I would have said a male and that is what I have. I'm a single female, and have always bonded more with my males (non-Kai) more than my females. In looking for a Kai, I was adamant about getting a boy. I may have been wrong though. I think that a Kai will bond with whomever takes care of it more, i.e. feeding, training, treats, attention, and love.

    Koda was bred by a married couple with children in the house. His father is more attached to the husband, and his mother is more attached to the wife. Koda is attached to me, but loves men! It's really hard to say, and I don't think there's a clear answer. Kind've a stinky answer, but I guess my answer is there are no true gender lines pick a healthy pup and see where it takes you. Probably doesn't matter though, because I think once you get one Kai you will want another. :p

    Maybe other owners can tell you the difference between male and female personalities and that can help. I would ask Marian or Brad.
  • edited November -1
    I say go with what gender you are comfortable with. I grew up around male dogs, had only experienced male dogs, so I got myself a couple of boys.
  • edited November -1
    I don't have a kai, but I've had male and female dogs, and I haven't noticed a huge difference. Especially if they're going to be neutered, there's really not much difference after that. A female in heat or an unaltered male that can smell a female in heat will act all sorts of wonky. I don't even think there's much difference before you neuter them most of the time, though.

    I say it depends on the individual dog. Some people prefer males or females, but in my experience, it's usually just in their heads. Which is fine, I mean, whatever you want, right? But if you feel fairly neutral, I'd go for individual temperament before I'd worry about sex.
  • edited November -1
    I would definitely neuter a male! Kai's have such a high drive, they will go nuts if a female is in heat in the neighborhood. You will have one off the hook dog. ha ha ha.

    Since Koda's neuter, he is probably more lovable. His focus is more on me in public than on females. It used to be when he played with one, I couldn't get him away. Now, I can call him from 20 feet away and he comes. He is still a good watchdog, and will sound the alarm if he needs to (or thinks he needs to). He is very protective.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah, definitely. I would definitely say that not neutering your dog is just plain crazy unless you plan to breed. I mean, who wants to put up with that?
  • edited November -1
    Oh, and not to say that you wouldn't. Just want to make sure that anyone looking for a male gets reminded of how insane they can be when they smell a woman! ha ha ha
  • edited November -1
    Haha typical male. One scent of a woman and they go crazy! Thanks for the input. I guess since all my life I have had all guy friends and a few girl friends I'll go with a boy.
  • edited November -1
    Ive heard so many people go back and forth about girls vs boys. I guess when it really comes down to it its personal preference.
  • edited November -1
    I have a boy Kai and I love him.
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