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  • hi venus, i read the articles at http://www.jawt.co.uk/ and they were very interesting, there's a lot of stuff there about finding the right dog that i wish i could have known when i got my pug. i had been seriously considering adopting (puppies are…
  • hi guys, thanks for all your input, i really appreciated reading it all. to jessicarabbit, i'm sorry if i offended you, i was only stating my experiences with those particular breeds, and i have met friendly bullmastiffs & staffies, i am just …
  • that picture is so cute, but so true at the same time. whenever i take Kira to the shops, i get a lot of mothers with children coming over asking "is that a fox? is that a baby husky?" and there have been so many times where children have …
  • hi RedAutumn, i think you're right, i mean, i've never owned a husky so all i know is from what people have said about their dogs ^^ the husky in my neighbourhood would walk off-leash alongside his owner, but the minute everyone left him alone at th…
    in Utonagan Comment by Daisy.W May 2010
  • although they are pretty dogs, i agree, they don't look very much like wolves, you can tell that there is some of the GSD, husky and malamute in them as all three breeds have very distinctive facial features. wolves have a very certain look about th…
    in Utonagan Comment by Daisy.W May 2010
  • it showed in the cinemas here in the UK, i remember when i first saw the advert and i thought "aww, look at that little shiba puppy! no wait...now it's an akita...hey, this looks familiar..." then i realised they had just rehashed the stor…
  • this thread is really interesting, i never realised there was such a difference between them, especially as i often mix the shikoki and kishu inu up. does Japan have a kennel club standard for them? i'd be interested to read it, sometimes it's hard …