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  • No feathers and low weight? I'd be careful, then. I dont know about chickens in particular, but when I kept birds both of those were immediate cause for concern about infection. It's that way with any animal, really. Low weight and losing fur/feath…
  • Yay, another Seattle shiba! I'm here in Kirkland. Hokkaido doesn't hate water, but he doesnt like it either. He'll sit nicely for baths but won't willingly jump into a lake or anything. Puddles he has no problem splashing though. I dont have answ…
  • Hahahaha. I love the way the foam pieces are distributed so evenly around him. Looks like he's gloating. :P What a cutie!
  • Haha, Hokkaido does that. He likes to shred paper and has discovered that the pads pretty much ARE paper. I can't really offer any suggestions. Normally, it'd be the usual....tell her no when she tries...but puppy pads are OBVIOUSLY for times you a…
  • I agree wholeheartedly with the suggestion of an exercise pen. I would NOT be able to deal with Hokkaido without it. He has a 4x4 pen, which was plenty of space for him initially. Now that he's a bit bigger (he's at 5 months right now) and a teensy…
  • He is indeed a shiba...even though his name is Hokkaido and we call him Kai for short. :P And yes, the staining is a constant problem with him. I try to keep his eyes wiped out but I'm fighting a losing battle. :(
  • Heh...reminds me of my research on shibas. I expected a puppy who was fearful of people and possibly random objects...instead, he loves everyone he meets. He channels golden retrievers or something. :)
  • Hokkaido's right at 12 weeks and he's almost 11 lbs right now.
  • Alright, he took to walking...sort of. His new activity, instead of sitting, is eating grass. Any plant he can find, he eats. I've always heard this is indicative of an upset stomach and is intended to induce vomiting, but her never gets sick. Just…
  • Heh, I probably worded that wrong. I dont have a specific destination I need to be at....I just need him to get up off his fluffy butt. :P
  • He's right at 12 weeks. I wasnted to make sure I got him pretty young so he would grow up with the kitties. Speaking of the kitties...hehe. He's afraid of Dizzy, and Sumomo won't come down from the refrigerator. Such a set of personalities I have…