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  • Tara, that is so awesome. I'm glad to hear Koda is doing well. I haven't been on here in a while, I was on all the time and I was torturing myself reading and seeing everyones pups. I hope everything is going good over your away.
  • Well i looked for hair/hairball and didn't see anything. Would she throw up food if theres a hairball stuck or would she just throw up hairball? sorry haven't had a cat in about 18 years and i feel stupid talking about it on a dog forum but i don't …
  • Tara have you heard from roberta yet?
  • Welcome Marcus! There are a ton of great people on the forum who will answer any and all questions you have about the breed.
    in New Kid Comment by MirkoAi March 2010
  • Funny you mention that cause I was wondering if you had him neutered or if you kept his "man parts" to give Kai's in the states more variety. I don't mean for backyard breeding but for the true breeders. Ive read people are on the fence ab…
  • Thats pretty dare cheap. I wish I could get health insurance for $27 a month! I didn't know anyone that had pet insurance so I wasn't sure how worth it it is. But for $27 even if it saves you $100 its worth it. As far as Roberta Scroll up a little…
  • Something else I just thought of pet insurance? Do you have it? I haven't looked into it yet, i actually forgot about it.
  • I like that fact that she does everything: obedience, agility, and daycare. This way the trainers know the dog and what really is best for the dog, instead of jumping from place to place. I was just telling my husband I thought it was a good idea to…
  • This is the woman's website I'm looking into right now. She does everything according to AKC. Sounds like she knows what shes doing
  • I was also just looking there is an agility school up that way as well. This is something Kai's would enjoy right?!
  • So Roberta and I had a "phone date" set up for saturday. She was suppose to call me in the morning, but i guess something came up because I never heard from her. I know you said she's been busy with taxes and what not. I emailed her yester…
  • I was just reading a website about give dogs Salmon Oil as a supplement. From what Ive found so far people are all over the place with their opinions of feeding raw fish. If salmon oil is even to the dog would raw fish still need to be fed or would …
  • I think I'd like to be Koda now, can we change places please. Haha that is quite the schedule. I'm impressed that he can go a full 8 hours without going to the bathroom in the house. I would be curious if you did put up a puppy cam to see what he do…
  • I totally understand her being busy, I'm not in any rush so she can take all the time she wants. I'd rather her take her time and answer the questions thoroughly when she has time, even if its after work is taken care of. The main reason I asked her…
  • OK that sounds better. It was hard figuring it out because I couldn't find a website that actually carried the raw pre-made. They all offered it to distributors and of course the distributors didn't have prices on their website. $3.25 isn't a bad pr…
  • Uhh, so I just emailed Roberta a bunch of questions, that was tiring haha. I also emailed her shortly after I read your response and just touched base with her. She seemed very nice and made me feel comfortable about asking her questions. I'm excite…
  • All i can respond to that is fantastic! Thank you so much. I knew I could ask you and you would give me all the info i needed. There are a lot of people on this forum but I joined about the same time you got Koda, so i've been following him as he's …
  • I recently started looking into feeding raw diet. My friends and family all feed "bag of death" food (HAHA i like that vet Jessica) and have had many problems with the dogs health. Skin, hair, and poop problems... A total of 7 dogs all hav…
  • The first picture has now become the background to my computer and my phone!!! I just want to rub their ears and play with their tails!! I went to the pet store today to pet some puppies hoping it would calm my want for a puppy but it didn't work at…
  • I'm flying to Tokyo right now to Steal them both from you!!!! They are SOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!
  • Thank You everyone for posting your experiences and advice; it definitely makes me feel at ease a little bit more hearing everyones side of the story. Like always can't wait to have one of my own!!!!!
  • Uhhh 2-3 yrs?! Are you kidding me. I will take my invisible private Jet and go to Japan and get one if I have to wait that long! HAHA I still have to wait till I'm in a better situation to even have a dog, so add another year or two to that 2-3 year…
  • If I fall in love anymore I might die of a Heart Break soon! I cant take it anymore! I keep doing research on them but the more I learn the more I torture myself and want one! AHHHHH And it doesn't help with all these cute pictures of everyones dogs.
  • Oh believe me I have ALL intentions too! My camera is all ready to go!!!!
  • I live in South Jersey. That would be funny but i don't think he is. From what I know, he doesn't know anything about the breed itself. His aunt had the dog and for whatever reason had to give up the dog so he took Sandy under his wing. He loves her…
  • What a curly Tail!
  • Sandy
  • Thanks for everyones input! My feelings have settled a little bit more now. I have been reading "It's me or the dog" and i'd like to get her dvd's prior to getting a puppy so that I have a basic knowledge before jumping in to deep over my …
  • Ive heard so many people go back and forth about girls vs boys. I guess when it really comes down to it its personal preference.