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  • how much does sosuke weigh now? I had kyuubi weighed at the vet on friday and he tipped the scales at 24.2 lbs.
    in Sosuke Comment by MrMcFly June 2011
  • kyuubi is in daycare right now until i pick him up around 5:30. if you want to watch him you can do so here: you have to be using internet explorer 32-bit. that's the only way i could watch it at …
  • am i allowed to use this thread to vent, Brad? seeing as Kyuubi woke me up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom! i guess it's better than going in his crate....
  • i'm going to teach kyuubi how to sign autographs soon since he's getting such a big fanbase!
    in Kyuubi Comment by MrMcFly June 2011
  • loki better get his licks in because she will grow up FAST! coincidentally, our shiba is named mika and she's the older one. our kai ken pup (he's only 17 weeks old) is already heavier than her! if you visit kyuubi's thread you can see him in the f…
    in Mika Spam Comment by MrMcFly June 2011
  • Haha @tjbart17 & JessicaRabbit & @Calia! This thread is full of win now. And don't tell kyuubi I told u guys but he wore a pink harness today. My boy was girly today. :)
  • @brada1878 - Yeah, that was my first thought too. whenever i show coworkers or friends his pictures they think he's an aggressive dog but we both know he's a lover, not a fighter. :)
  • Kyuubi wanted to go into the Julie let him (Image)
  • I think that's a Korean Jindo but Julie thinks it's a shiba. at the pet expo the shikoku booth was right next to the Jindo booth and they looked a lot like big cream shibas. if you search google for korean jindo they look a lot like those pictures, …
  • good to know he's doing so well with the baby. @jujee and i have a few babies in our families now so i think kyuubi should do fine with them as well. when you get a chance, keep the pics coming!
    in Sosuke Comment by MrMcFly April 2011
  • haha @sunyata, we are going to equip him with an anti-theft device!!! he's been nothing short of awesome so far. everybody comments on how chillaxed he is. couldn't have asked for more from a kai pup.
  • @brada1878 Hopefully the stress of raising 4 adorable little tiger dogs hasn't worn you down too much. But I bet it has been worth it, eh? This week is gonna be looooooong for me. :)
  • are these uber-cool kaiblobs gettin' ready to go to their new homes? I needs me some new pics! :)
  • I want Koji!