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  • Just found this - thanks, Brad! Lindsay told me about it. I will see if I can do something similar for our Shibas. The only DB language I am familiar with is T-SQL.. but I'll play around with it!
  • Sequencing the genome might allow us to better understand the genetic diversity (or lack thereof) in the Shikoku gene pool. It could possibly identify which deleterious genes are present in high frequency, and allow breeders to select against them…
  • Aw - she's cute. She might be a full American type akita - just not fabulously well bred. She has a great smile though! And she seems to get along with other dogs, except for the food aggression. Not bad for an akita bitch!
  • I feed a prepared raw from Darwin's Natural - it's available in Seattle, Portland, and their suburbs. They have an website explaining their products. It's a complete mix of meat and veggies, ranging form $3 to $6/ 2lbs, depending on the type of me…
  • Wow - she is adorable! I look forward to watching her grow. Please keep the pictures coming! I find it amazing how much the NK resemble each other. After all these years of only seeing shibas and akitas - it's great!