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  • Antlers also last a really long time. I like to spread Dogsbutter on them, freeze it a bit, then give it to the dogs. Keeps them busy for a long while.
  • I think you're mistaking what we're trying to get across as us flaming your breeder or calling him a bad person. From what you've written, he seems like a nice guy that loves his dogs that just wants to breed puppies to experience the joys of having…
  • One thing to take note of is although you may have a good relationship with Buddha's breeders, he has pinto markings that aren't standard for the breed and may indicate signs of a byb or mill. Look into his breeders more and make sure they are of a …
  • I use a flirt pole for my Shiba and she loves it. She's not very food motivated either so using it as a reward is a good alternative. I keep our sessions pretty short 5-10 minutes and do multiple sessions throughout the day. She hasn't gotten bored.…
  • People are only giving you advice and sharing their experiences because you seem rushed in your search to get another NK without getting to know each unique breed to the best of your ability to ensure that the right one would be a good fit with your…
  • She's sooo cute! Best of luck to your little girl, can't wait to watch her grow!
  • @Heidi - That owner would have found mystery poop on his windshield wiper if he said that to me... It's not so much the dogs that I have problems with at the parks, it's the owners. Ones that treat the park like their own personal gossip corner or …
  • @PoetikDragon Yeah understandable. I tend to overthink things, then gradually move on to being paranoid when things get too rowdy at home haha. My Shiba gets really feisty when playing with my Lab so I have I'm on constant monitor duty to make sur…
  • I am also on the "no dog parks" team with my Shiba. She did great when she was a pup, but quickly showed more signs of stress and discomfort every time we went. We called it quits after she was harassed by a Yorkie and she ended up snappin…
  • @PoetikDragon - How common are cases where a NK that got along well with household dogs when they were pups, grow to become intolerant of them as well? I do hear stories of some Shibas turning on their family members later on and it's a constant dre…
  • Considering that the NK breeds are rare enough as it is, you're not going to find one from a reputable breeder any time soon. I've known people that have waited 3-4 years just for a breeder to choose FOR them. Your Shiba is still really young at a y…