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  • All concerns are understandable and I know there is a lot to navigate. I am just happy to hear that it is a possible future prospect. In the mean time I have 3 other obedience registries (ASCA, UKC CPDT) to compete in and that is plenty for me.
  • You all are fantastic. I have never met such an nice informative group of people working the dog community. Being that the Shikoku is such a rare and special breed I was nervous that my inquiry would be pushed aside. I am grateful for the warm welco…
  • If importing will do the best for the breed then I will seriously consider it. I have never imported before and I am always nervous about purchasing a puppy without seeing it or the parents. Has anyone ever had issues with the puppies they have brou…
  • (Image) Sesame Shiba red shiba *Also tsukitsune: Your "red sesame" is also called a dirty red because the black tipping does not cover all the red.
  • Shibas can be a challenge for first time dog owners so this dog may be a bit of a challenge for Jeremy. They are not just willful, they are creative and smart, they choose when to listen and when to do as you wish. Usually they only do as you comman…
  • Mashi - old form of Monkey in Japanese. Full name Mashigura which means "at full speed". Fits him well. Saphira - named by the breeder but with my influence. Saphira is the name of the dragon in Eragon and she is a dragon at heart. Haiku …
  • never have an issue. I make sure they have lots of water and just go about my day without any feedings. I don't make then do anything strenuous. No trips to the park or long walks, and no training with treats. Just a relaxing day with naps and lots …
  • When it comes to transitioning to grain free, I always tell people to fast their animals. A day without food cleans out the pipes and prepares the body to cleanse out all the impurities. I also recommend a periodic fast once a month. But that me and…
  • No formatter is installed for the format tinymce
  • No formatter is installed for the format tinymce
    in Dog Books Comment by Nikkoth May 2008
  • No formatter is installed for the format tinymce
  • No formatter is installed for the format tinymce
  • Saphira's dad is Animal Assisted Activities (Therapy dog) Certified. Tracker has her CGC and I will one day get her certified with Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs to do Animal Assisted Activites. I am expecting Mashi and Saphira to get their CGC's…
  • To keep all of our dogs in line, I help them establish a pecking order. Especially with foster dogs, they are at the bottom. The eat last, play last, etc.
    in alpha dog Comment by Nikkoth May 2008
  • wow that akita book looks so cool!
    in Dog Books Comment by Nikkoth May 2008
  • I just wanted to add that there is a great book on making your own equipment. DO IT YOURSELF AGILITY EQUIPMENT by Jim Hutchins
  • First I make sure my shibas have a good recall (for a shiba). I can call Haiku off of almost anything but prey. But I am careful and consistant about when I actually say "come". Its funny actually, last night was agility class for Mashi an…
  • I totally know what you mean! Saphira fell in the water garden one day and was all muddy and wet. She hid under the coffee table for a while and when she came out she was clean and dry. Amazing!
  • Haiku, Mashi and Tracker have all taken classes. Mashi and Haiku still take classes. I pulled Tracker after concerns with a former leg injury. Shibas are wonderful agility dogs. Many shibas earn agility titles every year. Mine train at an agility s…
  • Just make sure to start jumps low and just keep it fun. Even if they are scared keep it fun, upbeat and take your time. Agility takes a long time to train, even for fun.
  • Any Terrier Almost Any Hound (excluding Basenji's and Spitz's in the hound group) Retrievers Flat faced dogs Anything in the Mastiff Family I know. I am quite the doggy racist when it comes to the dogs I am willing to live with.
  • I love this book. I treasure it with my Japanese Shi-ba magazine issues.