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  • Well. Oli is at the vet now to be neutered...he was scared and I felt bad but it will be done today. Steve
  • Very cute...Congrats!!!! Steve
  • Thanks everybody.....I appreciate all your concerns and comments. So it looks like it's on for tomorrow, there really doesn't seem to be a down side to this because Oliver is a family pet and I don't intend to breed him. What brought this on was …
  • Our Oli is from a pet store (although he calls himself a breeder) but other than a case of Giardia (which I think is my fault anyway, caught him drinking water from the pool cover) he's been a great Shiba..still has some people issues but he's very …
  • Oliver is 11 months old now and loves all other dogs from the very beginning...but I think that's because I do try to socialize him with all the other dogs in the neighborhood as well as take him to the dog park. On the other hand...he's still not …
  • A lot of great information here.....I was one of those people who bought my Shiba because he was a great looking dog. He is my families first dog and I should have looked into the breed a little closer before we got him. Fortunately, we love him an…
  • We've only had Oliver for one coat blow but before that he shed very little and now that it's over there's not much at all. Steve
  • My wife has the Equinox....great vehicle, especially with the AWD for bad weather. Steve
  • Very cute...your anticipation must be extremely high.....
  • I've been away from the site so I got to go through all the pictures...very cute.... Your dogs are beautiful!!! I picked up the "green key" pass and look forward to bumping into you at the park. Steve
  • The tires on any standard passanger car/truck are rated at 75mph....At 90mph you've exceeded the balancing of the tires. Most likely that's what you felt, the tires were "hobbling" at that speed.....not really safe unless the tires are rat…
  • Congrat's, beautiful Shiba!!! Steve
  • I drive a Dodge Ram Quad cab.....I'm a real car guy and have a muscle car that get's trailered so I need the "big dog".....lol.... Oli like's it because the front seat is a split bench, the large arm rest in the center flips up and creates…
  • When I go to the dog park with Oli I always get questions about what breed he is but most people start with "that's a beautiful dog, what breed is he".....I like it .....Oli really stands out from most of the dogs....he stands head up and…
  • Great photos......just beautiful!!!! Steve
  • Thanks again everyone. Yes, I clean the stools up right away and then rinse the grass as well. We've had a lot of rain lately...I think they said it's rained 17 of the last 23 days....ugh. So I think that maybe part of the problem...no real sun to…
    in Giardia Comment by Oliversdad July 2009
  • Thank you...hearing that I'm not the only one is very comforting. I watch him in the yard to make sure he's not drinking from the down spouts but I can't be there 100% of the time. I haven't seen him licking his paws at all but I'm going to start …
    in Giardia Comment by Oliversdad July 2009
  • I have an appointment tonight with the vet. I've been very careful about picking up the stool right away and rinsing the area and I always make sure that even if I put him in the yard that a fresh bowl of water is out there so he won't drink from t…
    in Giardia Comment by Oliversdad July 2009
  • As a guy.........I'm going with what Jessica said.........the boys stay!!....lol. We went to the vet and discussed it but we choose to leave Oliver intact....He's already way to mellow.
  • Hey Beth, All great pic's. Wish we could have been there Saturday but Oli has some sort of worm that the vet said was contagious so we didn't want to possibly infect anyone. Oli is on 2 weeks of med's and will be done with them by the weekend and…
  • Some great pictures!!!! Love them!!!!
  • Thanks everyone...as the dates progress in the pictures you can tell how Oliver's been getting better assimilated to the family. My son and his girlfriend did the stuffed animal thing.......... He's very attached to Nick.....I think because Nick hel…
  • Very cute...sent that to my friends who need a smile today :)
  • Congrat's!!!! Great looking Shiba!!!! I'm sure he'll come around.
  • All very cute........
  • I got my Oliver when he was 7 months old. All he knew was the "crib" he stayed in and had never been outside. He was house trained in less than 3 days and hasn't even made any mistakes....it was great!!!! These dogs are known to be very cl…
  • My Shiba had a lot of the same issues and still does. We got him at 7 months and have had him for just a month now but he has made great progress. As stated above....take it slow and use positive reinforcement. It's working for me. Steve