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  • Hello Everyone, It has been a while since my last update on Kiba. I was so busy lately and finally, I have a chance to take picture of my boy. He is right now at 19 inches tall and weighs roughly 36 lbs. He is still growing right now and I do not kn…
  • Hi everyone. Kiba is 20 weeks old today and he weighs 24 lbs. We spent time at the beach and I took some pictures of him. He was doing good off leash, I walked him for about 20 mins and then I let him roam freely for about 45 minutes. Here we go Br…
  • @Valkyrii thanks you. I know right, I talked to Mrs. Campbell yesterday and she said that growth rate can be vary among puppies even if they are from the same parents. However, Rio was a late boomer so I think Nero has his slow growing genes @mdoki…
  • Hello everyone, It's been a while since my last update on Kiba. Here are more pictures and a short video of him playing with a basketball today. He is 14 inches tall and weights 22.5 lbs right now. Is he on the right track? can anyone guess how big …
  • @Valkyrii Yup. They are Kiba's parents. hehe. You should post it here. Kiba humped my leg too. I will take a video of that when I have a chance LOL.
  • Hi Valkyrii, Infact, Kiba IS Nero's brother. As of now Kiba is 22lbs give or take. He is growing in a very steady rate. Even though he appears to be a bit larger and older than Nero, They are actually brothers. I was going to pick Nero at first but …
  • HI Valkyrii, was Nero born october 11th 2013? If so, Nero is indeed Kiba's brother lol
  • Hi everyone, it's been a while that i have not updated kiba's pictures. He is 14 weeks old now and weighs 16 lbs. Here are some shots and a short video i took couple days ago. I really had no idea why I took this picture on Valentines Day... Sexy b…
  • Kiba is 10 weeks old today and his weight is 11 lbs. Is he a litle bit small for his age or he is just a slow grower compare to other pups? I feed him orijen puppy formula and he does fine on it. Here are some picture I took today (Image) (Imag…
  • Thank you so much everyone. I have purchased orijen puppy food the largest bag. It costs $80.00 after tax at my local feed store. It's kind of pricy but i skim through the ingredients and ammount to feed my puppy, it turns out orijen food is actual…
  • Thank you everyone. Kiba is doing fine. I dont know what puppy food i should put him on right now. He is a little over 8lbs now at 9.5 weeks old. Any suggestion? Thank you for your help.
  • Kiba first night home. I got to the airport at 10:45 pm and the receptionist there told me that my puppy would arrive at 11:32. Well, I had a seat and finally, Kiba had arrived at 11:40. He was afraid of me at first but after about 2-3 mins, he warm…
  • new pic of my Kiba. He will be here on Saturday. (Image)
  • @Trzcina. yea. I will post pics when he arrives
  • @Sjp051993 yea. That's why it's being delayed til sturday
  • Such a bad day. My puppy will not be here until saturday... 4 more days to wait... :(
  • @WrylyBrindle Thank you very much. Only 4 more days left. I'm counting down ^_^
  • My little guy is black with red brindle color. Mrs. Campbell says the brindle stripes are coming in very nicely. (Image) Another " More pictures? Seriously?" Look from Kiba (I named him Kiba)
  • @WrylyBrindle Thank you very much for your advice. You are right. Puppies get part of their personalities from parents. I will ask her more about the parents personalities. As far as it goes, puppies are in great health condition and they are growin…
  • Aww what a little cutie! Thanks :)
  • @Kuma123, Toshi, and WrylyBrindle thank you all very much. He is 7 weeks old as of now. He will be 8 weeks old this saturday, the 4th of January. 6 more days and he will be home with me. @ayk i know his mom is yum yum, bkack brindle female. And th…
  • some sneak peek pictures from Mrs. Campbell today about my puppy (Image) (Image)
  • @WrylyBrindle nice, that's the perfect size for me. I can't wait for the pup to be home. @Kuma123 thanks. I am so excited. 7 more days seems so long. I will take pictures when i pick him up at the airport. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !!!
  • I have 2- Juno is my red female, she is 2 years old (she'll turn 3 in about a month). Her registered name is Yamabushi no Momiji Juno. Momiji means autumn foliage/red maple tree. Yamabushi is the name of her kennel. I chose Momiji because we live …
  • Thank you everyone. I will be posting picture of my puppy as soon as he arrives. I cant wait...
  • Congratulations! I have a black brindle too- and they are really stunning as their stripes come in. Maybe a name will come to you when you meet him! Hi, i am really excited about the pup. Just curious, what do you name your kai? And how old is you…