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  • Hello again :), Just wanted to give an update to all who reacted on our first video... that one we did take away, as it sure wasn't behavior we enjoyed watching. Things that changed: - eating is done inside the crates - during the evenings they…
  • Sugoi suffered from severe diarrhea in the beginning, resulting into some serious bowel problems. Doctor had to cut away about 3 cm of her bowel, the day after already she was again up and about, seems they don't really need a lot of time to recup…
  • In a strange way, it's good to know we aren't the only ones with this problem... but the bad thing is, you have these litterers everywhere so it seems! Never heard of towns providing poop bags, I do think it's a great initiative from the local go…
  • Hello :), Well... it's a great thing that posture hasn't been seen since that day! We do have a lot of attention now on every possible other sign or signal they give, making it clear they don't want to be together. It's becoming obvious they do n…
  • It might have been that "time of the day". We see it here as well, a bunch of older people walking their dog every day at the same time, the same way and a lot of them overweight and behaving rather badly. The pets don't get enough playt…
  • It's great when everything works out as you hoped it would :), happy hunting!
  • @poeticdragon As you already bought the ticket before the change, it wouldn't be more then "common sense" that you wouldn't have to pay extra. But of course Big Industries and common sense don't often go together :( , they rather stick t…
  • Hello, Thanks again for all the info and interest all the posters have shown! Just wanted to let you know, we are doing great... meaning us AND the twin ;)! As soon as we hear the growls become nastier then they should (Shikoku's do tend to ju…
  • Hi Steam :), Congrats on Yuki's "adoption" and it's an awesome thing you and your GF did for him! He sure looks happy to be with the two of you :D
  • Thanks for all the comments and tips! Seems like we have a lot of articles to read up at today :). Now firstly, yes, we do go out with them daily and it hasn't been a problem. Not even now, they are even the best of friends from start to finish. …
  • As i mentioned at the beginning of my post, they are from 27th October 2011, making them now 3 months and a half and no, they are not spayed, and most surely will not be in the future. :)