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  • @lizzysilvertongue: We're from Belgium ;) ... well, they're dogs and like any other dog they do have the tendency to touch stuff with their pointy little teeth... more so with puppies exploring new things. What really helps is stating a firm "N…
  • @David: We used to crate them together in the beginning, in a rather large crate, but figured that it really helps crating them separately (for a number of reasons), so we bought a second crate, same size as the first one, to accommodate for the fu…
  • First off, congratulations! ;) We have two Shikoku at home of same age (siblings - 4 months now). What I noticed is that one of them (Sugoi) LOVES her crate... The other (Futago) doesn't mind being crated for the night, but simply doesn't like bein…
  • @Nekopan: Yes, you are right and I fully agree; even though it's a twin, it would be very wrong of us not to treat these two dogs as two individuals, but it would also be wrong to ignore the fact they do share things in common. And by that I don't m…
  • @violet_in_seville: as far as obedience is concerned, we do both. So together and one-on-one sessions, without overdoing it of course. It's rather difficult to train two dogs at once ("sit"; one sits, other doesn't, "sit" again, …
  • @tjbart17: useful tips, thanks ;) I like point 2 - having them eat separately but still able to at least see and smell each other. We're not there yet, but will give that a go at some point in time... I just don't want us to expect too much too fast…
  • @CrimsonO2: Yes, they haven't always been together. There's also been a few occasions where only 1 of them went off exploring rooms and spent some time alone with the kids instead of Sandra or myself. Indeed, they were sharing the same placenta, bot…