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  • Looking forward to seeing that summer litter.
  • Lovely pup! Who are the parents? I wonder if she is related to my Hello Kitty.
  • I've been off the forum for quite a while. Is there any update on this Kai? Does anyone know which dogs from Classy are showing these issues? This is important for future breedings. My Classy dog, Hello Kitty is mentally sound as are her first lit…
  • We only have Hello Kitty but she seems to have that switch Brad mentioned. She is quite calm indoors but ready for action in a heartbeat. Loves to hike in the mountains when we visit Colorado. She also has a good recall which may be her or the ear…
  • We will be breeding Hello Kitty to Rio this spring if all goes according to plan.
  • Is this Yum Yum and Rio's pup?
  • I agree with what WrylyBrindle says. My son has a 15 year old Shiba Inu and she is the queen of our hearts. I love the oldsters.
  • So sorry to hear about your Bel. We have a challenging Shiba and your story helps put some things in perspective. We don't keep our dogs because they are easy. They represent a commitment. No easy choices. Rest in peace Bel.
  • What a lovely boy! I am looking forward to having a male Kai someday.
  • Informative responses. I love Kitty's outgoing personality and would like to see it passed down to her possible offspring.
  • I think the key is early socialization and of course they cue off of you. Still genetics is a part of it. If you move too fast, Kitty gets leery. Which is sensible to my way of thinking.
  • I don't know how to post pics yet. How do I do this? Kitty's mom is three and still pretty outgoing. I should say for a Kai, she is certainly not a lab. Japanese dogs usually take their time warming up. Our shibas are fairly outgoing but we …