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  • My shiba has a lot of trouble with allergies. How much benadryl should he get? Hes about 30 lbs right now and just over two years old. The vet in the past has given him small quantities of medicine to fix it, but I am looking to be more preventative…
  • @MableTwinkie she said it like she was sounding it out to me. made me think "well i do have and Akita wouldnt i know how to say it?" i dont know. i just found it funny how she slowed down and put the same emphasis on all of it like she wa…
  • Just last night at class in Petsmart a woman walked up and asked if he was an A-Ki-TA (thats exactly how she said it too) and i said no he's a Shiba Inu. Kind of like a smaller A-Ki-TA. haha. she asked if he was a puppy, i said yes, then she just ki…
  • so cute! congrats : )
  • @cezieg im sure this is a very important virtue for breeders. I had a TON of cats when i was still living with my mom(who lives on a farm so we defininately had the space) and we needed to thin out the herd becuase the cat food bill was getting a bi…
  • I think my Shiba is the first. He always wants to go out. and when we are out he pulls towards people like "oh hello. who are you? this is my person walking me" and as for another dog. wont be happening for quite some time probably. want …
  • hmm. well i am doing my best to learn his signals to me of when he needs more space or when he feels uncomfortable, at which point i will literally stand between him and whoever seems to be making him feel this way. And i am still trying to keep soc…
  • @Shibamistress and @rikumom you say shibas change a lot after age two. I understand that they usually get less tolerant, but can you tell me why? also, what other changes take place? Is there any thing i can do to try and lessen the Shiba intoleran…
  • hahahahah. Apparently. and on the back of them we need to put how to greet correctly!
  • I think i might. and fold up the printed out wikipedia page of the Shiba inu breed as my hard proof : )
  • @shibamistress i have looked at the thread you mentioned and read through much of it. however, i did not see much as for the akita side of things. I very much adore the look and size of the akita, i am just cautious becuase of the issues i have hear…
  • @mdokic thanks for the laugh. I feel like the sign would be helpful to the people but hinder the dogs (or atleast mine because of his excitement level) : ) maybe ill recod it on my phone and play it to people when they ask so that i never forget a…
  • so it seems most of you have multiple NK, I love my shiba guy, and would love to get either an Akita or Shikoku. Any thoughts/experiences with the shiba and one of these being together?
  • haha. well thank you @rikumom and @MapleTwinkie. But im not quite sure i have THAT much patients. hahah : ) and i second that greeting post @rikumom!
  • @rikumom can I ask what you meant by that comment? im not offended. just curious to your specific meaning behind it. @myabee09 I would love to be that same way. except thats not good for my puppy becuase we are working on leash training so I prett…
  • i will never get tired of laughing at the reactions and questions people get/come up with. HAHAHA
  • @kuma123 i just checked it out. I will have to get some pics of my stuff and post it soon! thanks for the link i find it interesting the variety of people we can meet on here. i think that is part of my problem. i dont like most of the people in my…
  • @Kuma123 haha. me too. except im not only a dog person. I love most animals more than most people : ) my boyfriend says im antisocial, i say no im not. I just dont like people. Simple as that
  • loving all the posts thanks so much for sharing everyone! @Kuma123 When I say 'Akita' I usually get the response 'OH! Aren't those mean? Are you scared of it?' or "Oh, Ive never heard of that" or (and this is my favorite!!!) 'Are you sure?…