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  • I have a cat I couldn't neuter until he was 2 years old, and he was quite evil as well. So glad he got his lovely boy parts removed, he is as sweet as pie now! But being a late neuter, he gained a lot of weight and is huge now. The rest of my boys g…
  • Yeah that's what I have been thinking guys thanks for opinions... Though there isn't a general agreement of the timing of the neutering process... Some say it's healthier to do it early some say 6 months.... Some say a year. It's very confusing to m…
  • I really hope Taro grows up to be like her then! I have the same problem with younger dogs in my district--here we have all adult dogs who frown upon the silly idea of playing! They are mostly neutered though, so maybe that's why they aren't interes…
  • Calia--What you suggested makes a lot of sense to me. We were looking to buy a cat house (not sure if it's called the same in English) that our cats can climb into and sleep in. However; if you can explan where and how you were thinking about situat…
  • Thank you guys for so much new info--to be honest I never thought of using a breath freshner, but as long as it is not painful for the puppy we might use that as our last resort. Also, anyone who might read this--I have a question regarding one of …
  • I have 1 dog and 5 cats. Sadly the cats LOVE the dog food and the puppy LOVES the cat food.
  • Seems like we are all on the same boat! I remember my Golden used to do it too! Probably not as much but I still have punctured clothing from when he was a puppy-11 years ago!
  • We have been trying ignoring but maybe time-out would work better with Taro as well. He is so typically stubborn!
  • I am so sorry to hear that, I share your pain...
  • Oh my bad, you are right, I checked his papers and Taro is indeed Kenya's baby! I sadly didn't have chance to meet Nigel or any of the guys there, I flew to the UK and (after being stranded at Heathrow for 3 days because of snow) picked him up and …
  • Oh my god- our dogs are really related! I have mr. Orange from this litter! Well his name is Taro now! She is adorable! Lools exactly like Taro!