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  • I take it because I'm taking stantins and I've heard a lot of talk about how they deplete CoQ12 levels. You can get the supplement cheap from Costco.
    in Co Q-10 Comment by diggah November 2008
  • I really thought it was cool that the lab stopped right at the fence; while the coyote was more or less oblivious as far as what a fence is and why we bother to build them. Score one for domestication.
  • Static is right on the money, you would be shocked (pun intended) with what folks are capable of when some bozo in a white lab coat tells them to do something. This is the classic example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment I've playe…
  • Seems to me the electric one kinda misses the mark. Any clicker can treat one to one; I want one that has an embedded controller, a table of pseudo random numbers, and dial (funky retro bakelite plastic of course) to set the percentage from zero to …
  • I'm still researching and talking to people, most are warning me that at 18 months I shouldn't expect too much of a change just by getting him snipped. Moach is on his third obedience class so I’m definitely working more than one angle (they’re all …
  • I didn't see the owner today, but I found out through the social network that Jasper got off fairly light. He has a cut and a bruise above his eye and he has to get eye drops, but from what I was told he was running around the park this afternoon an…
  • You're exactly right Brad, and while I can’t help taking it personally; I have no one to blame but myself. Believe me it would be real easy to vent on the dog, or to shoot the messenger; but the bottom line is that I fucked up. I’ve edited the tit…
  • I was thinking the same thing about the muzzle, he is already writing checks he can't cash, so it would kind of be like de-clawing a cat. The thing is I really consider socializaion to be critical and if the dog park is out of the picture I'm not su…
  • Glad to hear you made it back in one piece, but sorry we missed you guys at the last meet up. I’m also pleased to hear that Ryu has a playmate for the time being. You picked a good time to leave, we’ve got Kona winds and everything is voggy, stick…
  • I'm constantly amazed at how well dogs read people. I’ve had mine bark at people to whom I’m forced to be civil too, but that I actually don’t like and/or trust. I also believe it goes well beyond the old “dogs sense fear” bit; dogs also recognize w…
  • I wish I could make up stories like that, then I wouldn't have to spend so much time waiting for weird stuff to happen. :0)
  • Our tiny pack goes after geckos and lizards when it’s sunny, and cockroaches and lord knows what else when it is dark. One day we were taking a morning stroll when we were accosted by a chameleon that must have had more testosterone than blood flowi…
  • Another point to raise is that folks who choose to go the shiba route are going to have a fair amount of time to live with their decision: http://www.shiba-inu.nl/Shiba-Inu.Nl_Eng/the-shiba-veteran-top-25.htm Of course if it turns out to be a good…
  • Moach was trained with a choke chain and while I don't like to use it, if he decides that it's too wet to go for a walk; all I have to do is put it on him and he is willing to suffer the indignities of getting his paws wet. Funny thing is, I don't e…
  • Great job on the off leash recall. I second Brandon's suggestion. Group classes are cheaper, and they provide a oppertunities to "proof" the dogs when they are distracted by other dogs and people. Folks who train exclusively at home run th…
  • You don't let your dogs clean your ears? I feels kinda gross but I haven't touched a q-tib in ages. ;0)
  • Ten years from now my pups will still have at least another 7-8 years left in them and I'll be 4 years from retirement (and my daughter's PHD). When I get to be a truely old fut I'll have a tough choice to make because I don't know if I'll have anot…
  • Now he knows how an optical mouse feels ;O) Right now the Mrs. and I are having a tug of war over Mochi's man marbels. As much as I hate to be the bad guy, I feel he's got a bit more rank agression than the ideal. Granted, it's too late expect it t…
  • That's amazing considering that foxes tend to avoid humans like the plague. Hopefully you'll get the videos as well, I'd love to see it.
  • Turns out the lady was more than a little bit loopy (like you needed me to tell you that). They think she may have abducted a 19 year old boy back in '77 while she was living in Great Brittan. She also thinks she’ll get her 50 grand back by selling …
  • You're a lot nicer than me, I would an invited the creep to try and take my dog's lead. Dogs know when something is hinky,and I'd bet dollars to doughnuts Hilo would have come right up the leash and had himself a tearful reunion with his “rightful o…
  • I too have heard stories about shelters refusing to place Jindos; partly because of the primitive dog thing, but also because their cultural baggage has made them out to be uber-dingos with attitudes. It's too bad, I've met nice ones. :-( Andrew- I…
  • My guess is that it isn't the weight of the collar, but more likely the grim determination of the owner with his finger on the trigger. It’s obvious that you don’t want to use any more force than is absolutely necessary; you’ve agonized over this en…