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  • Covington, here. :] Our Shiba is one of Leslie's, too (Taro x Carrie)! Seems like there's a couple of us on here nowadays. She was mentioning that she had a new litter when I dropped Taiko off for daycare a few days ago. She's been great to work…
  • We've been housesitting and their internet access sucks, but we're still here! Just very...very...slowly...
  • Ha! I work at a bookstore - that's my staff rec for the holidays. :]
    in Dog Man Comment by janda422 October 2008
  • That's all kinds of awesome. I think that's the one thing that's always kept me from having bigger dogs. I remember when I was growing up, a neighbor down the street had two Great Danes and a Pyrenees as their "inside" dog. I don't even…
  • ^ that. When all else fails, food! Have you tried putting him into it after he falls asleep somewhere else for a nap? Leave the door open and stay nearby so he doesn't feel trapped or anything... we did that with Taiko and it worked really well.…
  • I'd also recommend gating off a bathroom like was mentioned above. Or the kitchen maybe? Just put up anything like bath mats or towels that might seem interesting for a dog and pick up a trashcan with a lid. Figure that linoleum or tile is a lot …
  • Our new boy is just like that too! He does the figure-eight back and forth around our legs when he's starting to get sleepy. He's also figured out that if he's out to go take care of business and he stands between your legs, he won't get wet in th…