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  • "Hai" is more proper/respectful as opposed to "un" which is more causal. Now you might be thinking, so why wouldn't you use the casual term to speak to your grandma? Well I think it depends on the family for one, and also on the …
  • Well it sounds like Ninjas doin a lot better... Yeah Kobes been pretty shy since i got him.. I just thought he'd get it but since its starting to look like he won't I figured I need to do more to try and fix it... He isn't as food motivated as the …
  • Where I come from they call Shibas, ShibaKen and Akitas, AkitaKen... I guess it doesnt really matter how you pronunce it.. If the other person asking, needs to ask, I doubt they'll correct you or even know the correct pronunciation... So yeah as lon…
  • and the word SHIBA is the same way... No part of this word should be stretched out like sheeeba... SHI BA... Shi is somewhat like youre telling someone SHHH but again, cut it short and ended at SH and add a i from "it" at the end... Ba i…
  • its nothin like "E NEW"... Reading Japanese in English alphabets is called Romaji and its really similar to reading Hawaiian... You have to separate vowels when you read Shiba Inu... Shi ba i nu.. And no sound gets elongated.. Inu is two s…
  • Thanks for your input... i'll go and check out the thread.. Yeah Kobe's actually really scared of objects too.. He's just scared of everything, haha, so whenever he doesn't get scared? or when he goes up to people and let em pet him i praise him, gi…
  • Hey Romi.. (or anybody with any sort of advice...) was Ninja really shy towards strangers? I mightve misunderstood but it sounded like he used to be really shy? so I was just wondering how you fixed that... My second Shiba is REALLY shy and its som…
  • I agree with [Sangmort] completely. I dont think you should worry about it being suitable for an apartment or not based on the amount of excercise a dog needs. I think you should take them out on at least 2 long walks whether you have a fenced yard …
  • It looks like his outer coat is still there and he shed his undercoat from the picture.. Their hair looks diferent once the undercoast is gone so that might be the reason for his coat to seem like it has changed colors.. My Kaya is that way.. when …
  • yeah I rarely have them on leash.. Kobe and Kaya (the 2 Shibas) arent as good as Milo (the Sheltie) yet but they're gettin there. I'd trust Milo to heel walking through ruth's chris.
    in Pictures Comment by masa October 2008
  • Thanks! Milo turned 3 on Aug. 8th Kaya will be 2 on Jan. 15th Kobe will be 1 on Dec. 28th
    in Pictures Comment by masa October 2008
  • Im reading it now, pretty good so far BUT she changed the name of the dogs! She translated the dogs names into english! :/
    in Dog Man Comment by masa October 2008