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  • Shoot, I'm the queen of socializing my puppies, and I can't add much more to this. A great list, enough to keep you busy and the point being, even if you don't get to each and every single item, dogs DO generalize and doing even a little will go a …
  • Thanks, Lisa. I know Wyatt looks big for some reason in these pictures, but he's only maybe 3 inches taller than Finn now. Still a gangly 4-month old puppy.... We have several stores that allow dogs to actually come in. PetCo, another pet store,…
  • Just a quick update on Wyatt: he's now 15 weeks old, going in at the end of the week for his 16 week shots. He's been to two agility trials, has handled being crated at the show sites just fabulously, loves walking around, greets everyone with his…
  • When and how to put one's dog down is a very personal thing -- and sometimes dependent on very mundane things. Like if you owned a Chihuahua and you had a walk-out basement and could easily carry it outside, that's one thing. It's quite another if…
  • Not sure if you found out already but the way to add multiple pictures to one post is to just keep editing that same post and upload additional files as necessary. Oh goodness, thank you, thank you. I knew it was something ridiculously easy.... P…
  • ...did you pick up your pup, yet? Hi Corina and everybody, I've been off for awhile, but yes, I have my puppy!! Royal (purple), aka Wyatt. I drove back to Oregon and picked him up at exactly 8 weeks of age, and we've been busy doing puppy things.…
  • It's not a bacteria -- it's a fluke inside a parasite inside wild salmon off the Pacific coast from California to Alaska that makes it poisonous to dogs in particular. Atlantic coast salmon does not have this fluke. Canned salmon is of course OK b…
  • I saw the lady in person, years ago, back east. An audience full of animal communicators, aroma therapy, Reichi folks or whatever it's called. But I tried to keep as open a mind as possible. Linda Tellington-Jones was a master at reading animals…
  • I likewise do not feel comfortable leaving my dogs unattended outside in the backyard. I am now quite happily on a part-time work schedule for 5 hours a day Mon-Thurs, Fridays off. I run the dogs in the morning before I go and of course we're off …
  • My short and simple advice that I gave my neighbor the other day. Do it two days too early rather than two days too late. I would totally agree with that. I make a deal with my dogs that above all else, I will not wait to the last minute until we …
  • I changed the picture and left out the Mal -- it was too big a picture. This one is a good close-up of Finn...
  • So, which color ribbon is yours? Lots of people ask me that, but I can't pick yet. I want the breeder to choose one or two for me based on personality, drive, energy level, based on what she knows I want (and she knows those puppies better than an…
  • I forgot a few things: A good breeder will of course screen you carefully before you get one of her puppies. There is usually a questionnaire involved, and a deposit when the puppies are born. The breeder will want to know what kind of time you h…
  • Just coincidentally, I happened to be looking up something on Sue Ailsby (of Sue, eh?) fame (positive obedience dog trainer) and she says practically the same thing -- she cuts each uneaten meal in HALF and gives that to the dog for his next meal. …
  • Remember that whatever you feed, you don't have to feed just that food exclusively. You can feed one thing for breakfast, something else for dinner and get a nice variety to your dog by doing that. Many people feed the raw in the evening and a goo…
  • Communication is a good start, like you have above, but I think we have to face that not everyone is an avid emailer, they don't all like computers, so if they DON'T communicate this way, that might not be such a strike against them. Here's what I …
  • PJ, I've done some studying here and there on dog nutrition. First, you're right to keep on feeding puppy food, because adult food seems to have too much calcium and some other things in it for puppies. Puppies also need the extra protein. The re…
  • Thanks Jessika -- yes, these pups are the next best thing to a Japanese dog, I suppose, but I couldn't manage to zero in on a litter in the time frame I wanted -- which was this spring. The Shikoku are too few and far between just yet, and the one …
  • Thanks, Tara -- these pups go to their new homes bullet-proof about noises, moving/different surfaces, strangers, odd objects in their pen. Breeder said she spent a half hour at a discount toy store and bought $20 worth of things that moved, made n…
  • Another puppy party with someone's nephew about 11 years old or so. Puppies handled it just fine, they are very loving and affectionate.
  • At 5 weeks, the co-owner of the mama dog took the puppies to the office with her one day. All of the puppies get snatched up and fondled and carried around.
  • From about 3 weeks on, the breeder had puppy parties for anyone who wanted to come over and help socialize/play with the puppies. At about 4 weeks the puppies went on their first brief car ride to another person's house and got to play in the gra…
  • First feeding of mush/gruel.
  • Third week. Change to larger pen, new toys.
  • Second week. Breeder has cats that are very curious about the puppies and pop in to visit now and then. Mama dog is very calm about the whole thing.
  • OK, I know there's a trick to attaching more than one picture in the same post -- can someone help? First week puppies:
  • What kind of plane/airline allows the shipping of a dog in a wire crate????
  • IMHO all that about better temperament is just a load of crap, how could doubling up on longcoat generate better temperament? I think it's just a matter of association, longcoat akitas are cutee and people tend to cuddle them more, thus they are bet…
  • Just a note: Subaru "owns" Montana -- it is THE car for most normal purposes in the winter -- it handles our roads wonderfully in AWD. Of course, we know dog people aren't normal. I carry my dogs in crates, so I needed something large e…
  • So intact males are fine as long as no female in season is around- which is why all these events and competitions such as shows and trials can go along smoothly despite the fact that all the dogs are intact. Just no females in season allowed, and al…