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  • Happy birthday Koshi :) She does look beautiful even naked :)
  • I'll add few picture of Kekkos head without the leash pushing up the fur......well, I guess it's still quite round, so probably he just has this kind of head, which I actually love :))). By the way, while he is not in full coat, the head is not like…
  • Here is Kekko being now officially World Junior Winner 2010
  • We are also finally back home from Denmark. I see you have already all the results and everything :). Thank you all for good words, I'm really pleased with Kekko's results of course. I must say the quality level of the Shikokus entered was really hi…
  • Thanks David, hard to believe its the same dog ah :)
  • Kekko is now 16 months and I'll add a picture just to compare :)
  • This is a picture of Kekko about 4 months old :D. And he was then pretty naked.
  • Wow, I love this color. Brad you are one lucky man to have his progeny.
    in Musashi Comment by tini May 2010
  • :)) welcome to the club :) My Kekko climbed our fence when he was 7 months - the same fence my siberians have never climbed. So the result was that we made additional wire fence on top of the one we already have and the new part is with an angle of …
  • Super cute pup you have :)) I love her :)
  • David - about jumping in the car, this is different issue :)). Kekko also does not jump in the car and this is not because he can not do this, he is just not so keen on going to a drive, so he just does not jump. I think in Kekkos case this has some…
    in Kekko spam Comment by tini May 2010
  • Thank you all for nice comments. Kris- Kekko's mother is Saiki Aka-Shima van de Egmato and father Ommi-Seium van de Egmato, but I think he looks more like his grandfather KAZUHIDERYU GO KAZUSA OKAZAWASOW. As for the temperament I think its very shik…
    in Kekko spam Comment by tini May 2010
  • Congrats, she is just so very cute :). Hope to see a lot of pictures in the coming moths, as they tent to change very quickly at this age.
  • I have pinched my dogs from the lip as soon as they try to mouth my hand too hard and also say NO at the same time. All of my pups have got it really fast, as of they understand this behavior hurts me as well. I also use the toy thing, after giving …
  • Congrats on the new family member, he is s charmer :) I love him and his family.
  • First time I read about Neospora Caninum....sounds very bad thing, I really really hope that's not what Nori has.
    in Nori Comment by tini April 2010
  • I'm really hoping you have found the reason for her seizures now.... Keeping fingers crossed for little Nori.
    in Nori Comment by tini March 2010
  • Really cute shika pup you have there, congrats. Very nice coloring and just look at that cute face...:)))
  • Great to hear Momo is making such a good progress with you. Keep ur the good work! Hope to see new pictures of her soon :)
  • Congrats Kris, she is adorable. How good to hear Kuma is being such a good boy with the little one :)), I'm sure they will have loads of fun together.
  • Thanks for sharing all this.....just wonderful pups and adults. Hope to hear from you a lot - all the puppy stories and pics :))). Uhhh...I just have to go and look at the videos again now :)))
  • I'm so glad to hear all is fine with Shousei, really a relief ah :)) Thanks for the nice pictures, Mikki looks beautiful, all in good coat and everything :). Kekko looks at the moment something like Shousei...all the coat is gone :)). Are you sure K…
  • Wow, I wish feeding my dogs was as easy :)) I give them their bowls at the same time and they all eat everything. Fortunately no-one goes to other dogs bowl while the other is eating, so no problem there. Of course if something is left behind, it wi…
  • Hi again Nico! I would not make a panic out of this now, it might be really just a minor injury Shousei got while playing. I know, it makes me always worried like crazy when somethings wrong with my dogs, but you shouldn't really expect the worst. I…
  • Oh I read only now about the problem with Shousei, I'm sorry to hear that. Really happy he is feeling good now and hope it was just a temporary thing. Reading all the issues about the knees and LP problem makes me want to go and test Kekko's knees j…
  • Hi Nico, I think Shousei is still probably changing the puppy coat, so this might not be the real shedding yet. At least Kekko changed puppy coat with no massive shedding. And thats the funny thing, we have loads of snow and cold still, so I'm keepi…
  • same here.....I'm actually really tired of shoveling the snow at least every second day ....