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  • I have a portable pin like that, but I have it ran length wise to the wall, the first panel and last panel of the pin are at 90 degree angles to the wall and anchored in place with eye bolts. I have a heavy tarp down to protect the carpet. The pin h…
  • I normally don't put my fingers in his mouth like that, but I was really afraid he would choke on the bone. hondru, that is how I do him most of the time when he won't give something up. I have trained to "drop it" when it is something lik…
  • Orions tail is pretty tightly wound too, he mostly wags it when he is ready to pounce on something, sometimes when I give him a treat. When I play with him with the laser, I'll say "where is it" and he knows exactly what i mean, he looks f…
  • I get the "he looks like a fox" a lot too. And Orion does attract attention for sure.
  • Orion will pounce like a cat, when a leaf or something blows by he will jump/pounce at it. He wraps his paws around my arms and other things while playing, lays and or sleeps with one or both front paws curled under. Can you believe he can meow too?…
  • My little terror is named Orion after the constilation Orion the hunter...I am an astronomy buff and wanted to name him after something astronomical...and being a hunter i thought it fit.
  • He does clean himself....but as my girlfriend says...his lipstick is sticking is more than just cleaning...and a little more than licking if you know what I mean. I am trying to be tactful. I wouldn't say he is being obessive with it...but …
  • Tsukitsune...this is the first time I've used any flea control on Orion. I think I'll give Frontline a try next month and see how he reacts to it.
  • Welcome...I'm a new Shiba owner too...mine is a little rascale...causes all kinds of trouble...but I love the little guy...he turned 4 months last week...and is growing like a weed. I like the 2nd pic too...kinda like...hmmm...what trouble can i cau…
  • Thanks brada for fixing that...I don't know why it came out that way. He is a cutie isn't he? He has those innocent sad puppy dog eyes (Image)   lol. Makes it hard to scold him for anything. I hope I can get him used to the Harley to take him on roa…
  • Thanks for the comments guys...some of the things you all have suggested I am already the NILIF...I make him set for every thing...sometimes set and down as well...if he wants me to pet him...he has to sit...dinner...set...etc. Trying t…