edited August 2013 in Rescue


www.twodogfarms.com Two Dog Farms, Inc. Korean Jindo Dog Rescue

Yes, we often ask for foster help, but in all seriousness, the situation now has reached grave proportions and is desperate.

We do not have a sanctuary.
We do not have our own kennels.
We do not have unlimited funds to pay for boarding.
We rely solely on the generosity of people like you who make donations and offer to act as a foster home.

There are at least 10 Jindos in SoCal shelters right now that if we cannot find foster homes for will die - plain and simple.
And they continue to arrive every week.
We are not trying to be alarmist, and we do not send these pleas out every day: this is as bad as we have seen it, and we need your help.

Please share and network this plea with everyone you can: if you are in SoCal, NorCal, Bay Area, Nevada and can offer to act as a foster home for us, contact us ASAP.

Details about our Foster Program, along with our Foster Application Form, can be found on the following page:


We cover all medical expenses for the foster dog, provide kibble and basic supplies, as well as unlimited Jindo support and guidance.

The Jindo in the photo attached was one of the lucky ones who we were able to rescue because a foster home was found in time. He is now a much-loved member of his forever-home's family.

Thank you.
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