Katana the Hokkaido -



  • Happy belated birthday!
  • How would you describe katanas coat? Some pics it looks white and others it looks cream? Are hokkaido coats usually more cream than white? How much does he weigh now?
  • Katana is a cream (e/e) commonly called white, but cream and white are the same thing. His overcoat is white, the undercoat is white and red. Some of the undercoat is just white, some just red, and some has white and red on the same hair. It depends on the location. That is why he sometimes looks redder in some pictures 'cause the red shows through better in certain light/angles.
    He looks almost completely white now since he has no undercoat at the moment.
    I don't know what Hokkaido coats are usually like, since I have only seen one in person (Katana). I've seen quite a variety of shades on different dogs in a single color (pictures) though.

    Katana is about 40lbs? Not sure, I'll take him with me when I go to town tomorrow and weigh him on the vetscale at the petshop he likes to go to. I don't have my own scale so that is how I have to do it.
  • Ok wow good info thanks. Have you ever seen a kishu?
  • edited June 2014
    I weighed Katana recently, he is usually around 38lbs. He's been from 37 to 39 on various trips to the shop with the scale so I'm guessing about 38 is normal for him at the moment. He hasn't gotten his adult bulk yet, but i think he'll probably stay in the 40lb range. He looks bigger than he really is.

    No I have never seen a Kishu in person, but I will relatively soon :D
  • edited June 2014
    Katana weights about the same as Meitou. Meitou was just at the vet Saturday and his weight was 39.4 (the same as last time). :)

    @Losech You'll see a kishu relatively soon? Are you getting one?
  • It seems like our three Hokkaido's ( @whobitme and @losech) look and weigh around the same.

    When I first saw the Hokkas that the lady in Finland has I thought Oni was too small but now I am thinking there is just something in the water over in Finland ;)
  • @WhotBitMe Ehehehe...

    I thought Katana was kinda small at first, but I guess he is relatively normal, at least for those Hokkaido in the U.S.
  • @Losech That is a suspicious laugh. *insert thoughtful face here* Is it a Nami puppy?

    I've always thought Meitou was kind of small, too. I mean, looking on the Hokkaido pedigree database at Meitou's brother (Maruto) it looks like Maruto is around 48.5 pounds. Amazing what a difference even brothers can have.
  • So. Any new Katana pics to share?
  • @whobitme I've been really busy lately, lost my internet at home, my truck is being a jackass, and am in the process of moving my trailer to a different spot. I haven't taken a lot of pictures recently... Here are some from the past few months:






    Top view of Shiba and Hokkaido size difference.






  • Heyy Katana! :D
  • edited August 2014
    Katana being a goof.





    He loves to go for rides in the truck.


    He learned how to swim.

    He's not super sure about it though.

    He prefers to just wade in a bit.


    Lookit that eeevil grin.

    Handsome Devil Dog.
  • Love the pics of him. :) He's grown up nicely.
  • Aw, Katana. :) I like the picture of Katana and Conker on the picnic table. And I'm a little jealous that Katana swims. Meitou will wade in, but he seems pretty confident that going in any deeper is a sin against nature...or some sort of death trap. I do kind of wish he liked swimming more.
  • Hanzo would also not go into the deep end, then we got him a life vest and once he figured out it would keep him floating, he was much more okay with swimming through deep water. Now he crosses the small local river like a little otter :-))
  • You have weighted your Hokkaido at the pet place, just under 40lbs. Have you weighed your Conker? Is Conker a little big for a Shiba or do you think pretty average?

    Are both males? (thinking of the tendancy for male dogs to be a bit bigger than female, which in Nihon ken is usually more of a difference than other breeds)
  • Teach me your off-leash training skills!!!!!!!!
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