Just Juno!- November refresh



  • I just wanted to stop by and say that Juno has a fab-u-lous tail.
  • edited January 2014
    Some new pics of Juno from 2014- She is sure a squirrel went in this treehole. photo P1130773_zpsa6d24289.jpg

    She's a great kai- adventurous, rugged, and beautiful.
    photo beautifulJuno_zpsb02f7933.jpg

    She likes to sleep on my side of the bed.
    photo junonap_zps41a422fb.jpg

    And I took Juno to the training center's Open House and CGC testing day.
    photo junocgca_zps8fb4bede.jpg

    I havent taken her to any classes in quite a while, maybe a year or so? but she won a ribbon for a terrific Rally course run, which kinda makes me want to try more rally obedience work with her- I dont have a picture of it, but she just lights up when we work together, has great attention and steps up her walk into this cute prance with her tail high. She is really ON in the ring for some reason, which I find funny for such an intrepid backcountry dog- maybe it's the undivided attention...

    She already had her CGC, so that day she tested for the Advanced Canine Good Citizen title (CGCA or "community canine") and passed all ten items to earn her title, probably the first Kai Ken to do so, since it is a new title the AKC started in October. Test items are https://www.akc.org/dogowner/training/akc_community_canine/test_items.cfm

    I'm so happy with Juno as my best friend, whether it's coming when I call her out in the woods and showing me things she finds (She once brought me a turtle!), heeling in the ring, grouse hunting, curling up to rest right behind my shoulders or sleeping right against my knees at night. She represents the versatility of the kai ken perfectly, I think. :) I am so grateful to Brad and Jen for choosing her for me!
  • She's so awesome! Juno is seriously a super dog! So happy for you!
  • Awe Chrystal, she's such a great Kai girl!! Love the pics and stories! :)
  • Juno! Juno is so cool. Love the pictures!
  • Yay Juno!! I admire and love Juno SO much! Her personality is amazing!
  • Juno is so pretty!
  • She is so beautiful! Wowwee!
    I always thought Woodchuck Hard Cider was Canadian, I just learned it's American. Huh. Learn something new.
  • I think the best way I could describe that tail is fabulous! She is such a gorgeous lady kai.
  • Juno, one of the Kaï I really love to see !!! <3
  • Juno really is gorgeous! We don't really have Kai's in the UK. It's a shame I would love to meet some more nihonken.
  • Some fresh pics of Princess Monono-Kai:
    photo jun5_zps0f85a437.jpg

    Pretty Juno
    photo juju1_zps8c7a6a60.jpg

    Juno's amphibious attack
    photo P1150038_zps5be79909.jpg

    photo juno3_zps0dd34a1e.jpg

    We do a lot of wildlife tracking, so here we're checking the skid road for good bear trees.
    photo juno4_zpse5227887.jpg

    I love her little nose.
    photo juno6_zpse45faf4b.jpg

    Yard time with her loyal cousin, Matsu
    photo junomotts_zps746da657.jpg
  • So fabulous! <3
  • Juno is awesome. :) The picture of her swimming after those geese made me chuckle. So cute.
  • I know it's been said before, but that tail is amazing! And you can just see her mind working. I see that look in Hanzo's eyes sometimes. That's when I know I have to get him out of the house and doing something, otherwise he's going to make up his own game involving my shoes, the cat or poking the bear (our crotchety akita). He also has that look whenever we're teaching a new trick. Most recently when teaching him to first walk through, then jump through a hula hoop. His eyes said as he deftly hopped through, "Like this dad? Is that what you're looking for? Come on, gimme something hard next time!"
  • Juno today photo P1170996_zpsfffecf27.jpg

    and upclose
    photo P1170986_zps21210f64.jpg

    Juno (Haru x Rikirou) will be 4 years old in two and half months and she is doing fabulously. She's healthy and strong, and happy. Loves to play with toys, and with Matsu, but her mission in life is to explore the woods with me and discover things. She is super curious, and is a good hunter- we have been hunting ruffed grouse together much more earnestly this fall, and she has put up several for me- if I was less of a rookie we'd have 2 birds now. :) I can't think that Juno has done any formal events since our last post- but we have had some dog guests visit for hiking on three or four occasions and she has been a diplomatic dog with TK, Russell, Fionna, and Yuuta and Spuddy.
    photo P1170863_zps993440ce.jpg

    Her new trick of the year is jumping up into my arms when I'm standing- I think her mother knew this trick, too. Mostly she is just a good hiker, hunter and companion, sleeping on our bed and waking me up with her patented Kisses-Up-the-Nose, and finding things in the woods that I wouldn't see without her.

  • I'm definitely a member of the Juno fan club!! I also agree she just may be one of the most beautiful dogs in the world :P
  • Jujers! :D

    She's such a fun dog. I love her and Matsu.
  • Juno is so gorgeous. And it's not just her coat, though it's really splendid, but I feel like these photos all really capture her personality really well. You must be a really good photographer!
  • Juno is such a pretty Kai. Looks like she's having great fun with you!!
  • Juno is precious :3
  • edited November 2014
    i love her up close shot...such a tough girl, with such a sweet face. And all that fluff. I want to bury my face in it! ♥
    And I want a video of her new trick! my friend does that with his dog, such a fun trick! i want to do it with the girls, though i think only kona would really do it..kimber...eeeeh. more than likely blank stares. :P
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