Nami no Aima go Shikino Sou (Jikino Kensha no Nami no Aima go) - aka, Jason

edited March 2018 in Kishu Ken (紀州犬)
Some of you may know I got my newest Kishu Ken from Finland late February due to the absolutely philanthropic efforts of @Brada1878, and everyone else involved, doing me a huge favor in helping him get to the USA.

I have been absolutely thrilled with Jason ever since he arrived. He's nothing like any of my other Kishu (save, perhaps, Reiko - but Reiko sort of lives life in fast-forward, where Jason is very thoughtful and slow/deliberate in his actions). He's very quiet, clean, and comical, and has really taken everything in stride since he's arrived. He hasn't had a single accident, but he does have the same impulse-control failure every other Kishu puppy I've had seems to suffer from, lol, especially around food. Every once in a while, he chews up something he really shouldn't get to - but it's always things that have been at elevated places, so that's a head-scratcher we're trying to avoid in the future. Today it was an entire bottle of antibiotic ointment. The last time it was my SD card to my DSLR camera. :\

I don't have many nice photos of him, but if you haven't seen my Instagram (@crispbean) or seen him on FB, here's one to start you off:


He is from Jikino Kensha out of Tetsu x Tenko. Tetsu is a Japan import that was exported from Japan as a puppy, and some of you may know Tenko from her time with @TheWalrus. I had my eye on both of these dogs, for different reasons, and was ecstatic when the opportunity to have a pup from them arose. Jason is a "trade" for Bubba, out of Toutarou x Fionna, the litter I had earlier last year.

I'm casually looking for a co-own home for Jason, but I'm pretty okay if he ends up staying here, to be honest. I've actually got an appointment to meet up with a local SAR group, and it sounds like he's a perfect age to start a dog at if I end up joining, which might end up fortuitous.

Jason is also pretty exciting because he only shares a single common ancestor with Shizuka, Cuchulainn's mother, but is otherwise completely unrelated to the other Kishu Ken in North America, so he is a good pedigree match for basically anyone here currently, and we only need to wait to see how he develops and matures to see who we'll pair him with, without worry of significant inbreeding in the recent pedigree - and that makes me happy, too!


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