


  • edited November -1
    Very well - we finally got to move into a house the 25th, after living in a hotel for a month - during Sora's heat. Luckily, Tag seemed immune to it, which was a huge help. It also went into high gear while they were going to doggie day-care during the day (since we couldn't leave them at the hotel during work), and they daycare was fine with still having her there. Tons of fun. She never really got more short tempered, just much more of the dominant stuff. She also never mouths us...if she's licking your face, sometimes she'll start nibbling, but just enough that you're surprised. Everybody loves her out there. We ended up in a house with a bigger yard (esp for CA), so the dogs have plenty of room to run around. We do have gophers though, and Sora is fascinated by that. They destroy the grass though, so the homeowners want us to continue trying to keep them under control. They used poison (even though they had dogs too - old ones though, they didn't do much), the guy said he would widen the hole, shove the poison down there, and cover it up, but as interested as Sora was in it, I don't want to risk her digging it up, so we're trying to look for other alternatives. The people we're renting from will let us have 3 dogs, so we're bringing Stokes out also. Jack is with my parents, and is treating the schnauzers like they are sheep. He is crazy about light reflecting, or flashlights, etc, so he'll herd them around the house, staring at the tag on their collars. I don't think he even noticed we're gone. Stokes is way happy Tommy's back tho.
    The fence looks great! Amazing how nice it is to have a place you can let them run without a leash! Are you noticing that they sack out more in the house now?
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