Jake is not as dumb as he looks ...

edited May 2008 in General
Jake plays dumb, honestly plays dumb, but he is very smart, that's why he plays dumb.  As a matter of fact, I have a co-worker who does just that and has gotten away with it for years.  She keeps her job because of one partner, but no one else wants to work with her because she plays dumb.  Ha, I know she's really quite smart.  I digress....

Jake knows when I says where's your ball.  He knows what I'm saying, it's just sometimes he plays dumb because he has no interest.  When he has an interest, he goes straight to it after my first question to him.

Same thing with want to go outside, let's go upstairs, and the list goes on and on.  But at times, he gives me that duh look 'cause he wants to play dumb.

Neither of us have had much exercise this week, fighting with tree pollen season and hard to motivate yourself with a constant headache.  I've really got to get him out so he can play dumb for others.


  • edited November -1
    Jake's a smart guy, Jazz wouldn't fall for cute, but dumb stud!
  • edited November -1
    lololol.  Good to see you LJ.  Jake is a little stud, and knows it.  He is so handsome and is quite picky with his GF choices.  I hope he and Jazz can play together soon.  I think he brings out the best in her.

    He really does play dumb.  It's a ploy to 'get away with stuff' and divert away from my attention.  I think it goes back to those cat-like qualities too of independence but I know he knows exactly what I'm saying, he just plays dumb.
  • edited November -1
    Tell me about it. I call it selective hearing. Or, if they are getting old, partsheimers (as apposed to alzheimers, get it?) :-)
  • edited November -1
    Mika's the same way. Grrrrr. It bugs me. Keigo is such a sweet boy. Dave will tell ya, when I ask him to sit, he sits with eagerness to comply. Mika will sit whenever she feels like it.
  • edited November -1
    My mommy calls it halvesheimers.
    Scarlet-I hate to tell you, that means he is a shiba!  Only when it is necessary for him!
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