Does your dog have a nickname?

edited May 2008 in General
Sasha: Sash, Sashta, Seeshee, cutie, blackiun


  • edited November -1
  • edited May 2008
    Kohji: Goat or Goat Dog
    Taj: Shiba Wang, Sheebie, Sheeb
    News: Newsington, Newsingworth or Schnooze
    (Weird, I know)
  • edited November -1
    Josephine: Jo Jo, Scooter, Queen Josephine, Baby, Joza. She seems to be entirely responsive to any and all the namse as long as someyone is petting and stroking and giving her lots of love and attention. If she's focused on another dog or playing with something or a million other distractions, not so much!
  • edited May 2008
    Tsuki: Tsuki-Su, Sushi, Shloosh, Little Miss Sunshine Shiba

    Kitsune: Kitsu, Mr. Man, Trotter (which was his name when we adopted him, we try not to say it, but he literally 'trots' when he walks, aka 'Fox Trot', so we try not to use it :)

    Collectively: The shibas, such as "John, harness up the shibas"
  • edited November -1
    A brief list...

    Lucy: Woootie, Ms. Lucy Girl, Pumpkin (cause she loves canned pumpkin)

    Joey: Jo Jo, Big Guy, Mr Man, Poopie (cause he poops a lot)
  • edited November -1
    Naughty Nemo, Asshole, Stop-it, Neeeee-meeeee, Buddy.
  • edited November -1
    I'm beginning to see that I need to come up with more nicknames - these are very "illuminating".
  • edited November -1
    Snuggie Duck/Snuggle buckets (mainly at night), Jakester, The Jake Man, Hey, and the infamous 'handsome'.
  • edited November -1
    Nyx - Nyxie Pixie, Pretty Kitty

    Kuma - El Gordito, Super Pooper, Lambão (cause he's always on the look out for food and always trying to lick us)
  • edited November -1
    LJ - illuminating? :)
  • edited November -1
    such as:
    Super Pooper, Asshole, Stop-it, Poopie, and Goat
  • edited November -1
    LOL, we had a thread like this a while ago, it was pretty surprising how many people have different nick names for their dogs', quite amusing too!

    Here's the link:
  • edited November -1
    oh here are mine:

    Portia - Porkchop, porsche, Portia Porsche, Portialish, Baby girl, lovebug, cuddle monster, lazy ass, jerk.

    Ninja - Ninj, Ninji, Kitty, Buddy, Lover, Growling monster, baby boy, Ninja Woo-Ha, Ninjin (means carrot in japanese), ass.
  • edited November -1
    Dogzilla, Fuzzy butt, Mr. Smoochy, Cujo
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Bubba, Rye, sweet boy, fluffy butt, sleepy dragon, mater (like tow-mater!)
  • edited November -1
    Oh, I forgot Tiny Dancer for Lucy too! :-)
  • edited November -1
    Mochi- Moach
    Koda- Puddles (she took a lot longer to housebreak) ;-)

    Collectively- Psychotic Japenese Dingo Infestation
  • edited November -1
    My dog's name is Miky so I often call him Mee-mee. But also bear, mr. bear, mr. stinky, baboo, noo-noo, little ass, fatty boy, stinky dragon, monkey face, foxy boy...and so on. I alway give tons of nicknames to the one I love.
  • edited November -1
    Oh yeah, love the nicknames. Here's a couple of other ones for Josephine that I forgot to list above:

    "...sweet tangerines" (this is another song reference, if you don't get it at first!)
  • edited November -1
    Jake just acquired a new nickname this AM -- ASSHOLE! I could not get him to come inside this morning, chased him around the yard for 30 minutes, both our tongues sticking out -- late for work! Had to leave him outside, hoping he doesn't dig his way out under the fence. He left me no choice. He is lucky I left water outside for him. I think he realized if I had caught him, I might have killed him. O.K., I'll let you guys know if I have a Shiba in the backyard when I get home ARGH ARGH ARGH
  • edited November -1
    I have different nicknames for our kids:
    Nyx: Nyxie Poo, Lady, Princess, Sweetness or B%&@(when she hurts me)
    Kuma: Presunto (which is a type of ham in Portuguese)/Perzutu (which is the equivalent in Maltese), Teddy Boy became Teddy Butch as he grew bigger and Lazyass when I have to drag him around on our walks. I use Lindo (pretty, cute in Portuguese) but mainly to praise him for good behaviour.
  • edited November -1
    If your Shiba doesn't have the nickname asshole, you're a magician.
  • edited November -1
    I must be frickin Hudini then :-P
  • edited November -1
    We're on first degree asshole, we use 'jerk', but I'm thinking about upgrading it to asshole.
  • edited November -1
    I was going to post a magician's name, but I can't think of a female magician :-(
  • edited November -1
    The wife uses "jerk", she's got a lot more class than I do.

    Whatever Dave, like you never called Lucy an asshole when she wouldn't let you get the leash on. Oh and if you thought it you said it!
  • edited November -1
    LOL Brandon!!! Dave just got owned!
  • edited November -1
    Sashtini, Sushnika, stupid, and when she tried to run out in front of a car "damn dog"
  • edited November -1
    Ah yeah, I forgot. Sometimes Kuma's nickname is son of a bitch (pun intended)
  • edited November -1
    Nope, never called or thought to call her asshole. Bitch, without a doubt. In fact I've probably screamed it at her on one or two occasions. :-/
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