Suprise attack

edited May 2008 in Behavior & Training
I was walking with Sasha, when a neighbor was walking by- Sasha was off leash, but since they'd met before I let her greet them. These particular neighbors didn't have a dog, but they would sometimes come through the play sessions to pet all the dogs. So Sasha sniffed them, and the man said 'hello little one' and stuck out his hand to her, then continued to walk by when Sasha suddenly lunged for the woman, growling and snarling. She was trying to snap at her leg. Nearly bit her, but the neighbor lurched away. As I grabbed Sasha and pulled her away, she bit my hand lightly. I don't understand, she's usually so submissive. She's barked and growled at strangers before, but never something like this with someone she's met before. I think it is insecure/fear based aggression rather than dominance-aggression. ....I'm feeling a bit upset that I let this happen, that my dog did this.


  • edited November -1
    has she shown any other different behaviors since bringing in Cobalt?
  • edited November -1
    No. He wasn't even there when it happened.
  • edited November -1
    Did she break the skin on your hand? If her intent was to cause harm, I'm sure she would have done some more serious damage to your hand. So that is a good sign at least. As for the behavior, is it possible she felt threatened for some reason?
  • edited November -1
    She didn't break the skin. I know that she isn't trying to harm me, my concern is that she could've harmed the neighbors. she is very shy and sometimes afraid of strangers, but these were people she had met before, so I don't think she felt threatened. the lady was carrying a bag, maybe Sasha got scared of it.
  • edited November -1
    Perhaps Cobalt's presence in her life is bringing out a fear/insecure behavior? Maybe something familiar, like these neighbors, with one thing different, like a look or body movement or the lady's bag scared her into an insecure protection mode?

    All I know is when I had two dogs rather than one, I saw a whole new set of pack dynamics, and then having 3 primitive dog types brought on an entirely new set of pack dynamics (that I was not prepared for).. so even if Cobalt was not with you - maybe just his presence in her life "changed" or caused something in her? Or something else/new in Sasha's life is making her fearful. Thats my understanding of your account, but I'm sure someone else will have a better theory!
    I'm sorry you both had this happen!
  • edited November -1
    I'm sorry to hear that glacier! I am not sure why it happened... could be anything, its really hard to tell these thing. I'm just glad no real harm was done to your neighbor, you, or Sasha!

  • edited November -1
    Actually Cobalt seemed to have a positive effect on her, since he's always so happy to meet everyone, he doesn't know a stranger, and she seemed to be getting that vibe from him that people aren't so scary. Until this happened, that is. I think that maybe it was because when she barked at people before, she was always on a leash and I could correct it, this was the only time I've had her get aggressive off leash and it escalated. Plus the unfamiliar object, the bag, could have been an additional trigger. But I never really got what set her off today. Though I did detect a sort of split second "silence" before the lunge, like a calm before the storm. But in general she often gets fearful when approached by a new dog or new person. Even with people she has seen before it takes her a little while with some of them for her to let them pet her.
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