FUJI - Female Akita Inu

edited May 2008 in General
Hi Rui, I just wanted to tell you that I just couldn't resist anymore, FUJI is just too good looking to pass her up for our breeding program. So in a month, she will be here in Tao living with the rest of our pack :o)

I just couldn't pass up the opportunity, she is really good looking!

I'm not really gonna post about it a lot because I don't want to push [certain] other members to get more dogs, but I wanted you to know.





  • edited November -1
    Brad, she's gorgeous! Where does she come form(bloodlines)? Does she have some Ryuu Go in her? She's what? 4/5months? Maybe a bit less...
    Is her tail naturally like that? Only asking cause it's not curling much.If I remember it correctly, it a a bit of a flaw, but I might be mistaken. Again she looks great, congrats!
    Sorry about all the questions and only seeing this now, yesterday night I just dropped dead on the sofa. Thanks for showing!
  • edited November -1
    Her tails curls, that pic just makes it look less curled... I would probably not purchase her if it wasn't curled.

    Her dad is RYUU-GO - we wanted to have as much of his bloodlines as possible, while still being able to achieve genetic diversity, in our breeding program.

    She is 4 months old now, we will get her when she is around 5 months.

    I'm so excited!

  • edited November -1
    I bet you are! I would be too!
    Good choice of bloodline, Ryuu is an amazing Akita. And I totally get the tail making or breaking the purchase, that's why I mentioned it.
    So, she's the same age as Kuma and Joey? That would be funny. Kuma and Joey were born on Jan 20th, do you know her birthday?
  • edited November -1
    wow - I think her b-day is Jan. 25th... that's pretty close!
  • edited November -1
    We launched our kennel site!


  • edited November -1
    Very good site, went through the info and seems solid. Good job!
    I found it very honest and you have all my respect for including the pros/cons of your pack on their description.
    You guys have been preparing for a long time for this, so I think you'll do great at it. I wish you great amounts of luck, and with the little I can help, I'll do my best to help.
    You guys seem to be great people, and you care a lot about your dogs, so you're lined up to do great at breeding responsibly.
    Couldn't get to the questionnaire, I kind of wanted to take it, :-)

    So you have the TM lined up, huh? Very good choice!

    P.S. I didn't say anything on topic, but (of course I know it's needed) I kind of feel bad for Hilo loosing a pair :-)
  • edited November -1
    lol! I do too... I feel bad for the big guy, but I think it may help his life in the long run since we will never allow him to breed and he doesn't understand why. So maybe this will cut down on his urges.

    Thanx for all your nice comments regarding our site! We have put a lot of thought into it but its nice to hear that it shows.

    As for the questionnaire, we are finishing it up this weekend - same with the gallery.


  • edited November -1
    I just realized I miss the part about the TM... yes we have decided on a Tibetan Mastiff! I just really like the breed, I have wanted one for a VERY long time and now have a situation where I think we could really use one.

    The pricked ears thing kinda freaks me out still, but it seems that will be an issue with most Guardian Breeds, so if we have to we will just keep them separated... but I do have a real hard time believing that a puppy raised in a pack would just all of the sudden want to kill its pack mates. ya know?

    This is the breeding we are getting a pup from:



    They are both amazing TMs! :o)

  • edited November -1
    They look amazing! I like the breed a lot too, and yes I think you're right about the raising them together thing. Although it's an issue with these breeds (some of them anyway), they do it to dogs that are strangers to them. In your case, I think you'll only have to worry about status scuffles. But that you'll have to worry anyway when your puppies get older. (like what's happening to Kona)
  • edited November -1
    I updated our homepage pic. I wanted to have more of the dogs we may actually breed in it:


    What do you think?

    I plan to update it once Kona matures more and replace Hilo with Fuji. I also was thinking of having multiple different version of the homepage pic and have it randomly show one. That way each time you visit the first page you may get a different image.

  • edited November -1
    It's cool, I like it! It's a good idea to get more of the pups you are going to breed on there.People will see right away what they might be "taking home". And I like the rotation idea too, gives some dynamism.

    When is Fuji getting to you?
  • edited November -1
    Hopefully this month, I am waiting on Izyda to let me know what day she can be shipped. I still have to send her our final payment... with Ahi's issues and Hilo's teeth our cash-flow has been slowed a bit.

  • edited November -1
    I bet, surgeries aren't cheap.
    Do you guys have health insurance for your dogs? (this is a bit of a double question, I mean in the US and yourselves)
  • edited November -1
    We have health insurance but not our dogs. I did the math and its just to expensive to have it for our dogs since we really don't get much benefits from it. So we have Care Credit for the dogs and use it if we can't pay cash for things that come up. Works out well so far.

    Insurance for our all dogs would be like $5k a year!

  • edited November -1

    I just did one for Kuma, doesn't cover much but helps out if something comes up, and it is only around 50euro a year. Also did a liability insurance,just to be on the safe side in case he bites someone or something like that. It's good cause it evens covers dog shows (most of them don't, and since I'm taking him to one or two a year it's good) and it's also around 50euro a year. Ah, and it also is a liability insurance for myself, so if I break someone's face it's covered LOL!(joking)
  • edited June 2008
    Got some news updates for you...

    1 - We get Fuji on the 8th, so in a week - below is a updated picture of her.

    2 - Our male Akita was born a week ago in France, his name is Kahuna - below is a picture of him too.

    3 - We have decided to wait on getting our TM due to all the activity that's been going on in our pack... Kaia and Lani HATE each other, so we have to take it a bit slower I think. Lani tried to eat Kaia the other day, I broke it up before anything happened but it was VERY HECTIC and kinda freaked us out. It was totally unprovoked - Lani literally charged across the house to attack her. it was really crazy.

    Anyway, that the latest happening here. :o)

  • edited November -1
    1- She's really cute! Seeing her makes me realize how butch Kuma is :-)

    2-There's something about puppies that makes us simply smile for a moment and forget about everything, isn't there? They're all so beautiful! Congrats man!

    3-Holy crap! You had told me you wanted to wait on the TM, but that I didn't know! Is Kaia OK? Geez, I bet you guys must have had the scare of a lifetime. Do you have any idea why? Do you think Lani is trying to rise on the hierarchy?
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