Advice on trimming nails
So today was nail trimming day for Lucy and Joey. Lucy has gotten to point where she protests with a whine or two, but then settles and lets me do what I need to do. I usually bribe her with some treats too. Joey, for the second time, has made me feel like I was performing open heart surgery without any anesthesia. He was screaming like a banshi before I even cut the first nail and out right refused to take the treats I offered to distract him with. He kicks, and yells, and once or twice he put his mouth on my hand, but luckily didn't bite. It took 15 minutes to trim front and back because he was being so fussy and squirming around. My ears are still ringing from all the noise. Now, he's passed out from exhaustion.
Any advice on how to make this less stressful for him?
Any advice on how to make this less stressful for him?
Well, he may always be more difficult to trim that Lucy, but if he were mine, here was what I would do. And I would do this frequently in many short sessions, actually building up to the nail trimming (between now and the next time you really have to trim his nails).
First, make certain that you have some really YUMMY treats (cheese, ham, other meats) cut up into small (about 3 x 3 mm) pieces and have a lot of them.
If he knows "down" I would tell him that command. If not, teach him down with some treats in your hand leading him to the ground. Give him little treats if he responds.
Next I teach the "roll" command. This tells the dog that I want them to lay on their side. Keep it fun a simple and don't try to even let him think that you might be trimming his nails during these early sessions. Use your treats to get him to learn to roll on his side and stay there comfortablly (treat often). As he gets the idea of what you want and rolls to his side (this may take SEVERAL sessions), make it really pleasurable for him to be on his side (ie, no worries buddy, just relax, by rubbing him all over, rubbing his body, etc). As he learns to stay relaxed, you can start adding in rubbing his legs and feet and manipulating his feet like you might be going to trim them (but don't trim them at this point).
Next you can add in having the nail clippers nearby as long as he is staying relatively relaxed and on his side. By consistently teaching him to lay quietly on his side and get yummy treats and good belly rubs and only have to put up a little bit with some foot manipulation etc. Eventually, you should be able to trim his nails because he knows the routine and isn't worried.
Many small steps, going in baby steps till he is comfortable before you actually trim them again.
Nothing is worse than trying to force them, having them twitch or jump at the inopportune moment and you knicking them so it hurts them. Then they have that bad memory.
I hope this is clear. But many small short sessions getting him used to being on his side and having his feet manipulated (without actual trimming) should help him be happier about it the next time you go to trim him.
no, seriously, Tim and I have the hardest time trimming nails. I'm scared that he'll jump and i'll trim too deep. I'm considering taking him the groomer and letting them put up with it :-P Sometimes, I think he knows that we'll eventually give up so he pitches a horrible fit but with a groomer, he might be less rebellious.
one of our vet techs suggested getting a muzzle because Ryu behaved well at the clinic with one on. We weren't scared that he would bite but it gave him something else to focus on while he was getting manipulated.
Pam: I'm seriously considering paying someone to do it too! Last time I clipped his nails, it was just me. The scabs on my legs finally healed a few days ago. This time my roommate was around so I recruited his help. His arms are all sorts of torn up. :-(
My vet was so impressed at how nicely filed all my dogs nails were. And shocked to learn that they have never had their nails trimmed.
I also bag balm their paws to protect them from sore paws.
I am still battling Tsuki to do this calmly.. I handle her feet and toes constantly. She is getting better, ever so slowly. But when she catches on to what we are doing she s-c-R-E-A-M-s!!
I found relying on asphalt and the tennis court flooring to file their nails works but the quicks keep getting longer and longer.
we needed it for an electronic repair project John's doing and it comes with small sander bands just like they advertise for that 'peticure'... so i am going to try it on the dog's nails when it comes.