Cobalt issues

edited May 2008 in Behavior & Training
Fostering a dog certainly has been a learning experience. From what I've heard about other rescue dogs, it seems that I'm not too bad off as far as general behavior. He's calm, mellow, and very easy going, just like what I was looking for in my first foster. But some of Cobalt's behaviors just seem bizarre. For instance, if a shadow falls across him suddenly, he'll roll onto his back and pee a bit. And when he's eating, he'll suddenly start spinning, first one way and then the other. After a few seconds, the old Cobalt is back again and he glances at me nonchalantly, like "Huh, you lookin at something here?" It's strange, this transition. Wonder what his previous owner did to make the poor dog like this.

Some background on this guy. He came in to a shelter once as a stray, was claimed by his owners and then turned in as an owner surrender. The rescue pulled him from the shelter shortly after. Surprisingly he doesn't seem to mind new situations that much, he must be used to constantly changing circumstances. I gotta admit though, I'm getting kind of attached to him. It'll be hard when/if he finally gets adopted.


  • edited November -1
    The attachment factor is one of the reason I don't think I could foster - I get attached to animals very quickly - that's why I stick to volunteering & donating - I can't handle more emotion.
  • edited November -1
    The shadow issue is very strange.

    The spinning sounds kind of neurotic, but as long as it isn't aggressive or obsessive, I wouldn't worry about it. Dogs are allowed to have strange routines if they want, right?

    I can't wait to foster someday, I'm sure it will be tough to let go of them though.
  • edited November -1
    The attachment is a beautiful part of the process - you get to really make a profound impact on that animal and getting that first good report from the adoptive parents always brings a need for kleenex for me!!

    The shadow thing is actually quite common in a dog that has been both verbally and physically abused - if they leaned over him, causing him to cower, if they then hit the dog, he could get scared enough to pee. Poor thing. I think that is definitely a sign of abuse.

    The spinning.. never had to deal with that!
    But it sounds like you were matched with cobalt for a reason - you are doing an incredible thing for him!
  • edited November -1
    The shadow thing sounds like whoever had him before would lean over or stand over him and abuse the dog especially if he rolls over into submisseviness and pees. Poor cobalt im glad there are loving people like you who have the ability to foster.
  • edited November -1
    Sounds like Cobalt is trying really hard to let you know he is behaving....with lots TLC maybe you can get him over it with some confidence building exercises.

    Dominance rolling can also produce the rolling and peeing with shadows or when people stoop or pat him on the head. Too many folks are quick to use DR tactic for corrections only causing more problems in its wake. Whatever the cause you will need to be aware of the perceived threats that initiate the peeing behavior and alter the handling program.

    Telling touch might be a good option to get him over handling. Is the spinning only when he eats?
    Do you have a video of the behavior? It's hard to make a comment without seeing the actions first.

    When you find the right parents for Cobalt you will feel really good about having helped structure his life in the fostering process. He's yours for now so what you do will only help out being the best he can be.

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