Shikoku linees in the wolrd

In France, there is not a lot of Shikoku Ken, only 2 (but very beautyful!!!) Shikoku Ken.

How many Shikoku you think there are in the USA?
There is an excellent breeder in Europe, some Shikoku in the States come from this kennel.
But is there any japanese importation in the USA?

Thanks a lot for your answering ^_^

I want to learn about the breed....


  • edited November -1
    Well there are 2 breeders in North America. One breeder is in Ohio (USA) and has a male a female that originally came from the breeder in Holland (the breeder is Peggy Graham and her website can be reached at, just click on her kennel link). I got my Shikoku from her as did a few other forum members.

    The other breeder is Katja Weber in British Columbia Canada. She is the longer time breeder and also has some stock from Holland but has also imported many Shikoku from Japan (her kennel is here I have a puppy on order from her (female) that hopefully will be born in 2009. Most of the forum members have gotten their Shikoku from Katja. The breeder in Poland also got her female from Katja.

    One of the members here (Corina - ShikokuSpirit) imported her male directly from Japan too (he is about 9-10 mos old now).

    I think that there is about 20-25 Shikoku in the US (but I could be off by some...). Brad do you have an better estimate?
  • edited November -1
    I think that is a good estimate, I have always said there were somewhere around 50 in North America. I would guess more than half is in the USA... so maybe 25 - 30.

    As for Europe, there are only two breeders that I know of in Europe, our friends in The Netherlands and Izyda in Poland. Izyda's Shikoku-Ken are from Katja's kennel.


    What breeder did the Shikoku-Ken in France come from?

  • edited November -1
    Aren't there 2 in France from Peggy's last litter?
  • edited November -1
    oh really? I dunno... that's cool if they are from Peggy. :o)
  • edited June 2008
    In France, the 2 Shikoku are at Allaika's breeder. Excellent breeder!

    the 2 Shikoku came from Holland, but i'm not sure.

    I'm really interest by this breed.
    I hope to have a couple, in few years.... ^_^

    I'm impress by the number of Shikoku in the USA. (Lucky your are !)

    Thanks a lot for your information!
  • edited November -1
    I hope that you are able to acquire one as they are fascinating and beautiful dogs.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, I didn't know about that breeder... I'll add her to my European breeder list! :o)

    Her female, Asamy, is from Katja's Mike and Sachi... he is cute. :o)


    Emilie - I have sent you a few emails but they keep getting returned to me - is there something wrong w/ your mail server? I sent a few, so if you get a bunch from me that say the same thing, sorry. :o\

  • edited November -1
    Emilie - they are truly a really interesting and fun breed to own. I am so, so glad that I got a Shikoku, and for my tastes, I have to say that the Shikoku fits me and my goals perfectly. I really love that they are SO, SO loyal and eager to please AND have the beautiful wild look about them. They are also really fun to train in obedience. I know that you like agility with your Akitas. I am sure that you would find a Shikoku a breeze to train in agility. My 9 month old Shikoku is a whiz at learning competitive obedience, so much so that my 2 trainers have really, really gotten interested in the breed for their next dog.

    I came from Siberians and I found the training of Shikoku very easy in comparison (although the positive reinforcement works best for both) and a lot of their behaviors are similar (ie, primitive).

    You really do need to look into the Shikoku more, I think you would become a strong supporter!
  • edited June 2008
    Edited to add:

    The french breeders male is the FULL sibling to Grandemu's and my Shikokus, but I am not certain if he is from an earlier litter or the same one as the litter Sora and Kuma came from (given that 1/2 the litter was registered FCI and the other half UKC, I know that the Dutch breeder wanted to register Kuma as Yumi-Sweety vd egamato- not certain if she ever did since I never received papers, but I do have his UKC registration). The Dutch breeder used to own Tekai (TK) an Hideharume go izumo yanosow(Sweety) and now Peggy owns them (Emelie, this is why there are different registries based on where the Shikoku reside despite having the same parents).

    Brad, since you can see the pedigree on the french website, you can see the linebreeding that I have mentioned before (to Tochiboshi go isumo yanosow x 2 and to ungaku go izumo yanosow x2[the great-grandfathers]; so 3x3 linebreeding). The Dutch breeder imported Kazuhideryu go kasusa okazawasow aka Kekki who is TK's father and it looks like she also imported Sweety because Sweety doesn't have the VD egamato. You can also see the breeding in Mike's pedigree to the same 2 Shikoku males (Tochiboshi go isumo yanosow and to ungaku go izumo yanosow ), but Mike is only a 1/2 sibling to TK thru the sire. Sachi has completely different bloodlines than Mike (so no linebreeding like in the TK x Sweety breedings).

    Anyway, just an aside as that is why I wanted to get a Shikoku from Katja that is unrelated to my boy and from new and different Japanese lines.
  • edited June 2008
    Brad: no problem with my email, but try at this adress:

    Edgewood: Thanks for all information. Shikoku look fun in mental, I love to train my dogs, and make agility, if Shikoku can doing Agility.... It's great!!!!!
    For having Shikoku, it's a project for me. I hope to have some in 3 years.....

    Info:At Allaika's kennel in France, the other Shikoku came from Canada (Ive got the info since today)
  • Anybody that can give an estimate for the amount of Shikokus that excist today (2011) ?
  • There is also a shikoku kennel in Denmark. Supassion's :
    Her foundation female is from Egmato in Holland:
  • @runx there are around 5000-7000 Shikoku in Japan.
  • That is so heartening!
    Good, there is power in selective breeding where diversity is at stake.
    I thought it was far less.
    Thank you for the good news:-}
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