Tsuki/Kitsune/Hachi Photo & Video Thread

edited June 2008 in General
Tsuki loves to have all the bones. period.
Kitsune is cool with that.
Miss Hachi
She's becoming a happier dog every day..
They take over my bed on weekends
I think she's going to be just fine..

More pics to come.. we're hiking this afternoon..
Hope your weekend is just as nice!


  • edited November -1
    Nice photos. Hachi looks very happy. She has found her pack!
  • edited November -1
    We didn't make it out hiking, thanks to T-storms and how humid it is!
    This is called the 'doggy thermometer':
  • edited November -1
    Cute photos....

    Hachi looks so much happier and it didn’t take too long. It’s great when your own pack can help ease transitions. Is Hachi attempting to play yet on her own or play with Tsuki or Kitsune?

    Good to hear her health report is all clear. I bet it is a relief to know you aren’t dealing with multiple issues that could affect her temperament.

    Thank you for helping her out!

    Enjoy….. she certainly is a cutie

  • edited November -1
    They're all just so adorable :)

    & I absolutely love your thermometer!! ;D~
  • edited November -1
    What sweeties! I love your thermometer, too!
  • edited November -1
    Hatchi has such a great smile. Love all the pics!
  • edited November -1
    It looks like Hachi is really fitting in, that is great to see. All three of them sharing the bed is cute.
  • edited November -1
    Great Pictures they are all so cute
  • edited November -1
    SnF - Hachi will play by herself with a few choice toys. She absolutely LOVES to walk, she loves loves loves it. I can't even express how extroverted a walk makes her. Play between the her and the dogs has been sparse, I think she is still a bit confused by what they are doing when they try to initiate play with her but once or twice she has grabbed their neck scruff, tail wagging and gets into a play stance - but its usually very short lived!!
    Slowly but surely.

    Hachi's smile is infectious! Just knowing she's a bit lighter in spirit every day makes all of us happier!
  • edited November -1
    That’s great news ….there has been a lot of progress for such a short time! I bet the play will increase as she comes out of her shell. Sounds like a good start though.

    The fact she likes to exercise is a real bonus. She is motivated and that is good. Maybe under it all she has the spirit of adventure after all…I guess you could say she making up for lost time. : )

    All your fur kids are too cute and she seems to be fitting in really well!

  • edited November -1
    They are fitting in well together! And because of that we have decided to sign her adoption papers, Hachi is now forever officially part of the pack!
  • edited November -1
    WOW. What a great job you've done with your pack. I am so proud of you and Hachi is glowing. Congrats to you all.
  • edited November -1
    That's awesome! When they all fit in a group that well you should go with it....
    Look forward to more updates and pictures!

    It's like Kaia and Maui the were two peas in a pod from the get go. : )

  • edited June 2008
    Thank you, scarlet!! I am proud too! For the first few days I was very concerned but determined to get them where they are today! Hachi has come such a long way in such a short time, as has Kitsune and his food issues. Last night, all 3 sat down next to one another and waited for their treat. Their very first treat-treat since Hachi has moved in. And no issues! It was amazing.

    And, yes, SnF - its official - Hachi is now our dog!!!!! :) They are all interacting very nicely - I think they all realize this is a permanent arrangement.

    Here's some little videos after our walks, its been in the upwards of 93+ degrees around here, so we've shortened their normally 1 1/2 hour walks to about 45 mins - they seem tired but they are still going!

  • edited November -1
    I think Nemo would try to tear out my Achilles tendon if I walked him for 45 minutes in 93º heat.
  • edited November -1
    well we walk them at 6am for an hour and its only 60-70 degrees and when i come home from work its afternoon haze and humid and a 45 min walk if we can stand it, but they do alright!
  • edited November -1
    Great video and great interaction. I loved watching both of those and seeing Miss Hachi walking up the stairs with pride and stride.
  • edited November -1
    Nice videos it really shows the interactions pretty well. Hachi looks quite comfortable and appears she is willing to assert some limits with the other dogs. (Is she still in heat?) I would not be surprised if she moves up the pack ladder if she has not already.

    Enjoy ....they are simply too cute! : )

  • edited June 2008
    SnF - she isn't visibly bleeding or attending to herself like she was the first two weeks, and Kitsune is paying less 'close' attention to her, so I think its safe to say that part of her cycle is over. Our vet approved our time frame for her spay in early July because they think we got her during the last week or so of her heat.

    Also, now that she isn't in heat, she is becoming much more social, or more willing to be a part of our social situations. Because of this, we're seeing a new dynamic where she can take anything off of Tsuki, who is/was the alpha in the house (Tsuki will not allow Kitsune to take any toy/bone from her), and has been asserting herself for space in other ways too. She does it very calmly and our other dogs seem to understand it and are cool with it. Its so interesting to watch that shift of roles in their new pack!!
    We aren't reinforcing any 'order' or any of that, they all get fed together, get equal attention from us, walked together, sleep together and as of yesterday they are getting treats at the same time together. I think this helps keep away any frustration or jealousy - at least in my pack.
  • edited November -1
    Your fur pack look really happy. The action videos are great. They really show the interactions between the three Shibas.
  • edited November -1
    Jen - Keep in mind, with a heat cycle, she will bleed the first two weeks and then it slows and that is when she will start inviting males and the males will be more interested in her. So her bleeding slowing or stopping is not necessarily a sign that her heat is over. Just be careful, I know you are on top of things, I'm just speaking from experience.

  • edited November -1
    Thank you Brad!! I have never owned a dog in heat before, and as much info as I can get on the subject, I'm still a little leary about if I'm understanding it correctly.
    We haven't had her outside the house except for walks and a few hikes and she's been on leash the entire time. We aren't doing dog parks or pet stores yet because she was/is in heat.
    But evident inside our home is that Kitsune has been paying far less attention to her in that regard and has started trying to just play with her instead or chase her but when he catches her, his motives have visibly changed.
    So its hard to tell since we only allow her to come in contact with one altered male!!

    Either way, she's coming around nicely and will be spayed in a month!
  • edited November -1
    We're about to leave for Tsuki's surgery.. keep your fingers crossed!
    In the meantime, I will share 'the kissing' video. They love their PB!
  • edited November -1
    OOOOO love those kisses, that's great. Speedy recovery wishes to Tsuki.
  • edited November -1
    Did I miss something? What surgery?
  • edited November -1
    I think she is taking Tsuki the cream is to have the one irregular canine tooth removed that is coming in over the other? Not sure.....

    Hope it all goes smoothly.

    Tsukisui expect some temporary changes in the pack again after a pet comes home from surgery. From our experience, the residual smells from the clinic can sometimes stir up trouble or anxiety among some dogs. If the surgery patient is still wobbly or under the weather then sometimes one of the other dogs will try to take advantage of the patient by pushing it around or getting too nosy.

    The residual effects of anesthesia can also make the patient grumpy or behave strangely with pack members they normally would get along with. It can take several days for the toxins to leave the system. So until 24 hrs or even up to 48 hrs has passed we make it a general rule to keep dog to dog interactions at a minimum, especially post -surgery potty and outdoor time. Depending on the surgery, sometimes animals are sore and moving about to do their business can be slower and uncomfortable. Often dogs muscle through pain or don’t know their limits if the pain meds or injections have not worn off or if you have to keep the dog on oral pain meds, so monitor activities closely.

    wishing a speedy recovery

  • edited November -1
    Oh yeah, that's right. Good luck Tsuki!
  • edited November -1
    Tsuki will be good to go in no time I'm sure.

    Love the licking video. I can eat peanut butter and blow in Nemo's face and he will start licking like that. No, I do not let him lick my tongue.
  • edited November -1
    thank you for the helpful info s-n-f -- i will be sure to monitor and limit like i do when we spay or neuter -- we have to separate her for special food anyway -- i am curious to see what hachi does -- lol brandon - theyy do that too but its much cuter to give it to them --
  • edited November -1
    So far, everyone is chilllled out, Hachi layed by the gate of Tsuki's pen last night, it was endearing, and Kitsune was trying to lick her through it this morning. His other half is out of commission and I think he misses her, although he'd never admit it. :)
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