World Winner Show 2008, Stockholm

edited June 2008 in General
I don't know if you have this thread up before, but out of couriosity...

How many of you has entered your dogs to the WW-Show in Stockholm 2008??

We have enterd 4 dogs for WW (2 Am.Akitas and 2 smooth Collies) and 1 for the Circuit (Am.Akita).


  • edited November -1
    Please post photos of all your show dogs, I'd love to see them.

    For myself, I don't have that competitive nature and only want pets and companions, but we need folks like you breeding for the best of breed.
  • edited November -1
    Due to some complications (Kiba surgery, etc), we are not going. But friend of us is going to Stockholm with her four shibas (one of them is a mother of our Amandil).
  • edited November -1
    Well... maybe I´ll se you at WW-show in Herning (Denmark) 2010.
    Do you have any plans to go there?
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