A little spam...

edited June 2008 in General
Nothing super exciting, but some good shots of a few of the pups...

Gaurd duty [note Lani is striping]:












Loa & Maui [aka "Skinny Mini" & "Trouble"]:

Lani & Loa:









  • edited November -1
    great spam!!! I love seeing pack pics! Can't wait until Ahi is back in the mix!!
  • edited November -1
    Wow - Loa is beautiful! I don't think i've ever seen close up pics of her face before...she is gorgeous! I love the cuddling pics with Kona, he's such a lover. BTW - are those 5 lb. dumbells yours?? Working out hard eh? jk!
  • edited November -1
    Hahaha Romi, I was gonna make the same joke. :-P

    I love the two of Lani laying outside. She's ssoo ppwwwwiiiiiiddddyyyy! :-)

    Nice UFO shot BTW! Maybe its on of those tube things?

    And as usual, those cuddle pics are adorable!!!!!

    I was just thinking earlier today that it was time for some more Anderson pack spam. Good timing. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Love the pics. I swear, Ronan's cuz has his exact expression. Let me guess... Loa is a snuggler, isn't she?
  • edited November -1
    Kona is quite the cuddle bug huh? Even snuggling with MAui? I am impressed. I love your pack.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    i love Kona's sleeping position in the last pic
  • edited November -1
    I know, I have been a little slow on the spam - sorry. :o\ I have been taking lots of pics but I always seem to get out there when the sun has fallen behind the mountains and so the pics come our to dark.

    Jen - I know, I can't wait for Ahi too - we miss her shenanigans so much. I want to see her run around the yard like a crazy woman. :o)

    Romi & Dave - Yea, I work out - I can bench 10lb! No, those are Jen's "paper weights". lol!

    Jessica - Kona snuggles and plays with everyone, he is just super cool like that. I love it.

    Pam - That pics cracks me up to - Kona is like a narcoleptic or something, he will just fall asleep in the oddest positions!

    Michelle - Yep, Loa is a snuggle bug... she just melts when you pic her up. She super sweet - Mike really makes sweet pups! The proof:


  • edited November -1
    Hilo still makes me giggle, no matter what the picture is of him. xD Poor sleepy guy.

    And I agree! Loa is super pretty. :) I love her.
  • edited November -1
    Great pics as usual! I love your yard.
  • edited November -1
    Kona cracks me up! He's a promiscuous snuggler, hehehe!
    Skinny Mini and Trouble made me laugh!

    Great spam!
  • edited November -1
    Great photos. I love the face shots of Loa. Kona is really looking like a grown up dog. And it's wonderful to see all the dog to dog snuggling going on!
  • edited November -1
    Who is that with the fluffy tail and the collar?

    I love Loa's "widow peak".
  • edited November -1
    That's Tag - that pic is from when Jen, Tommy, Sora and Tag visited us.

  • edited November -1
    Are Sora and Ronan from the same breeder of Ahi and Loa?
  • edited June 2008
    Sora is from Peggy, same as Kuma, Kiba and a few others.

    Ronan, Ahi & Loa are from Akashima [Katja], same as Aibo, Rakka, Tenji, Mura, Kitsune, & Himiko...

  • edited November -1
    good to know, good to know!!
  • edited November -1
    I just realized I mistyped - sorry: I meant Ahi was from Akashima (I edited my post).
  • edited November -1
    I understood what you meant!!
  • edited November -1
    But Mike is related to Peggy's dog TK (ie, they both have the same father but different mother's). Therefore, my Kuma has 1 grandparent in common with Loa and the other offspring from Mike. Kuma is a lover too (so maybe it comes from the grandfather down through the line).
  • edited November -1
    Loa's just adorable! Beautiful dog.
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