Josephine Spam

edited June 2008 in General
Here is a picture of Josephine. Most of the time cannot see that brindle, but look at this one in just the right lighting conditions! This was taken back in May, but I just overlooked the interesting color of her fur because her face was MIA!


Here is a movie of Josephine and her friend, the stick (remember Girls Just Wanna Have Fun)

Josephine and her neighborhood buddy, Gunnar:


That's it for now... More to follow


  • edited November -1
    That's GREAT spam!!! She is so pretty - I LOVE the video... she is really cute with her stick. :o)

    Gunner is cute too - looks like they just got done playing real hard.

  • edited November -1
    Thanks Brad;

    Here are a couple more videos. Josephine exploring the tree--- wonder when she will climb it? Supposed to be one of the traits of a Kai Ken, I hear! (Maybe that's just a rumor!)...

  • edited November -1
    i LOVE the stick video. It amazes me how dogs are so able and willing to play on their own. PS...Josephine is beautiful!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Josephine is a cutie! Very pretty brindle!
  • edited November -1
    she is such a beautiful dog!!
  • edited November -1
    And what a lovely little play stick it is!
  • edited November -1
    Seriously, that video is great! Josephine seems like such a happy and playful dog. Although with a farm to roam around at, I can't imagine any dog not being like a pig in slop! :-)
  • edited November -1
    Josephine was so lucky you picked her up that day, and you guys were also so lucky that you picked her up. She's so cute.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone for your kind comments!

    Yea, Dave, what's not to like about her life now: acreage and woods to roam when off for long weekends with her favorite human, two new puppies in the neighborhood who are totally into the rough and tumble (her favorite game), three cats in the house, the dog park and boundless entertainment of other dogs there, and of course those rescuing humans to dote on her every moment of every day (no more kids, no grandkids and we just thought we'd be truly empty nesters!)...

    We do think there was some divine intervention in the circumstances of us finding her... for both her and us!
  • edited November -1
    What a happy girl she is! She is spoiled on the farm and deservingly so. What joy she brings to your life.
  • edited November -1
    Josephine is adorable! She's a very lucky dog to have all that.
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