Random Video Spam

edited June 2008 in General
Just some random videos...

Pups are playing outside then they hear mom open the closet to get their food:

Loa and Kona playing:

Kona rings the bell... He does this all the time... He had just come in from outside!

Loa and Kona arguing over a bone:

Kona talking to Loa "Give me the bone! I want it!":

Lani loving on Kona:



  • edited November -1
    Those are great Brad. Your timing on the "wait for it" when Kona rings the bell was awesome! And then to follow it up with "JERK!" made me laugh pretty hard.

    And since I know everyone else swoons over Loa and Kona, I'm gonna point out how adorable Lani is. Her rubbing up on Kona's face is too cute. :-)
  • edited November -1
    LOL! the first video is heee-larious!
  • edited November -1
    I am with Dave, Lani is such a pretty pretty girl and she seems like she just wiggled right into the pack. So awesome.
  • edited November -1
    LOL - the bell thing was awesome!
  • edited November -1
    It's amazing how dogs can train to things that you don't really train them too. The dogs stopping their playing and running inside when the food closet opens is a classic example of that.

    In the video with Kona and Loa arguing over a bone, I love Maui's dead dog look in the background with one leg up on the bed.
  • edited November -1
    Dave, you know I'm all about the Akitas!!!! My favorite thing about Akitas is that they are so incredibly loving they are!!!! I also love their weird sleeping positions, LOL.
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