Better today?

edited June 2008 in General
Hey man.

I just wanted to check in and see if today is going better than yesterday. I don't know if your comment about having a bad day was solely about Lani's behavior or not, but I hope things are looking up.


  • edited November -1
    Oh, thanx man... yea my comment was about Lani, but then other crap w/ work and people not paying... I'm getting sick of chasing money.

    Anyway, Lani growled at Kaia through he office gate today... other than its been fine. I have decided that for two weeks Lani is no longer allowed to be in the office. Kaia will be in the office with the gate closed and Lani outside the office - I think she was guarding the office or something.

    I think her being in the office right next to me has altered her perception of her importance within the pack. So I am going to reinforce Kaia's status in order to help keep her safe. Kaia either needs to be at the top or at the bottom, and she is unwilling to be at the bottom so just from a logistical standpoint I think I need to intervene and support Kaia so Lani can figure out her place in the rest of the pack. I mean, even Hilo is below Kaia in pack order, so Lnai should be able to accept that.

    After two weeks we will asses the situation. Also, meantime, Kaia and Maui will be restricted to the "Shiba Area" when all the dogs are in the yard... that's the point of it anyway. We really expected this, but I didn't think it would start so soon.

    We will also start working with Lani, Jen has reached out to a local place and we are going to work her towards the CGC... we think she needs a job.

    As for me, I am really beat up! I'm in a surprising amount of pain today! lol... I have skinned my knees and elbows, bruised my knee and somehow hurt my arm as well as scratched my writs pretty bad - all this from sliding across the floor "baseball style" to tackle Lani, lol! :o\ I'm a tard - I just reacted... I'm not cool with Kaia being attacked - she is my little baby.

    PS: I'm sure I don't need to say this, but just in case its not clear, please don't mention this on the [public] forum. The main reasons is that StaticNFluff [Patrice] is who we adopted Kaia from and I don't need any heat from her on this.


  • edited November -1
    I'm glad to hear that things seem to be looking up and you've got a plan of action. I always feel a lot better when I have a plan. It gives me something to work towards. Something to focus on other than what had gone wrong. I bet Kaia will love all the attention anyway. :-)

    I'm sorry to hear about work man. That's one of the drawbacks to being self employed. You have to be the programmer, designer, salesman, accountant, and customer service rep all rolled into one. You've gotta take the good with the bad. Or beg Jen to take on some the responsibilities that you don't enjoy?

    I'm also sorry to hear you're all beat up. :-( At least you did it doing something spectacular and not just being a clutz. Chicks dig scars right? Maybe you can work that angle to get Jen to be extra nice to you for a couple days. ;-) Feel better soon!

    And don't worry about me saying anything publicly. I really appreciate that you are willing to share these experiences with me. I find it all fascinating and love hearing about it. But its your business and I would never share it with anyone unless you had told me it was ok or already done so yourself.
  • edited November -1
    Well something interesting just happened - Jen and I were in the office with Ahi, Maui, Hilo and Kaia and Loa, Kona, and Lani were outside in the yard. Ahi started to play with Maui and the pups outside heard this and ran to see what was going on.

    When Lani approached the gate KAIA CHARGED HER! lol... Lani didn't seem to care and I [verbally] corrected Kaia before she really got close to the gate.... but that's interesting... maybe Kaia is starting it. :o\

    Earlier Kaia and Ahi were standing at the gate looking out of the office and Lani went up to the gate - she was locked on Kaia but then saw Ahi and turned and ran outside. So I think we are starting to see a new pack order emerge.

  • edited November -1
    Wow, that is really interesting. Maybe Kaia took Lani's attack yesterday to heart is trying to guard her status in the pack?

    Man how I would love to be a fly on the wall to observe all this stuff!
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