Pooping habit

edited July 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Hi fellow Shiba-friends

I got a Shiba pup after doing long research on what breed to get. Shiba is our first dog. my kids have named him Frost for he is white/cream and we got him in spring *while it still snowed here in Mpls*.

Frost is a great pup now close to 5 months, we got him at 8 weeks. absolutely no issues in housetraining. he has learnt - come, site, stay, off, handshake, rollover, leaveit, drop it, wait (little bit) etc in just 3 months. we take him on 20 minute walk in the morning. evenings he is free in yard (with us present) or we will go for walk. I have invisible fence installed and he has adjusted very well.

Now frost is 17 lbs, well built, energetic and trim puppy. Very social and active.

However I have a very strange problem wrt his popping habit. Before the fence got installed, he will poop in the yard or poop when we went for walk (morning and evening). Now that he is free morning/evening in the yard after food (3/4 cup of chicken-rice neutrisource food twice a day), he does not poop consistently after meal. Sometimes he does not evern after 1 hour. Then when we go for walk, he will poop.

If he does not poop in the morning, then I will take him for a walk - he will poop. In the evening, if he does not poop, I am trying not to take him for walk. But then I am always worried about two things. 1. he will poop in the house 2.Next day he will have more difficulty in pooping.

did you have such an issue? Am I doing anything wrong? Any suggestions are most welcome.

long live Shibas!


  • edited July 2008
    Our shiba is 11 months old, he has never wanted to go in our yard, in the beginning, he would frantically pull us at least 4 ft out of the yard to poop. Now we have an invisible fence also, but will take him for walks down the street, he goes like clockwork, but only at 9:00am and 8:00pm. He has never pooped in the house. I have heard (and am living) that Shibas do not like to soil in what they consider their area, so like us you just might have to take frost for poop walks:)
  • edited November -1
    Lucy has always required a spirited walk to get her bowels moving (unless she is really sick). Now that your pup is 5 months old, you should be able to push him on the length of his bathroom habits. Both my pups are on a strict schedule. First thing in the morning we go for an hour long walk. Then breakfast. Then a chance to go out 30-60 minutes later. They go out in the middle of the afternoon. Then a 20-40 minute walk in the evening. Then dinner. Then a chance to go out 30-60 minutes later. Then a chance to go out before bed. I also take them out right before I leave and crate them and right after I get back and take them out of their crate.

    I stick to this schedule as religiously as I possibly can. They know it almost better than I do. If they don't go when they have the opportunity, that is their choice and will hold it until the next time. I think your pup will behave similarly.

    BTW, welcome to the forum!
  • edited November -1
    Similar schedule here. Kuma goes out first thing in the morning, then breakfast, and while I shower and get dressed he rests. Then we go out for 30-40 minutes. Mid afternoon, my Dad or my sister come over, if Nat can't, and take him out to do his business. Then in the evening, 20-30 minute walk, dinner, rest and 40-60 minute walk before bed. Probably the bigger difference is Kuma doesn't stay crated. But the schedule thing is very important. Kuma was accident free by 4 months, and I think it's because of that.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for all the answers.

    Frost is on strict schedule. 6AM go out to pee, back home , have food, go out in the backyard and play, then for walk.
    afternoon go out to relieve, come back inside and play/train/kong with biscuit. In the evening 6PM food and then play in backyard for 40 minutes, then again out ay 9PM. We try to follow schedule as much as possible. When we are home he is free in home (other than when we are having dinner) and we take him out regularly every 2 hours to relieve.

    He seems to be pooping after food 90% time now and he has marked a corner side of the backyard as his "toilet". So I seem to be lucky that he is pooping in the backyard.
  • edited November -1
    Those are all good suggestions. My shiba koda is 4 months and has never pooped in the house and he acts really weird when he has to go. He frantically starts to run to get away from his so called territory and he will only poop in the grass. Also he only poops twice a day usually so I think frost is doing things that are normal in the shiba world. Some shibas are very particular about where they use the bathroom.
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