Your fave Shiba pic for now!

edited July 2008 in General
My baby woke me at 5 am this morning for a pee and i still cant get back to sleep so thought i should post a discussion or 2...I think we should all load up our 2 fave pics of our shibas!!.....


  • edited November -1
    This has always been my favorite pic:


    I'm not sure what my second favorite would be. I'll have to look through my files.
  • edited July 2008
    This first one was for my nephew's County Fair at school.

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    This one is Jazz sleeping on my bed:
    Jazz Sleeping
  • edited July 2008
    I LOVE that pic, brandon!!!
    there are a many that I really like, mostly of Kitsune b/c he stays still the longest! but I feel guilty not including Hachi in this post!
    SO.. the first one, I'm using it for my sanctuary site.. so its in the top ten favorite pics, and the second is just a great happy shot of my girls b/c its impossible to get a good shot of all 3 in the same picture.

  • edited November -1
    Oh wow. Top two? Do I get four since I have two Shibas? ;-)

    I *think* this one is currently my favorite, but that will likely change within a few hours if not minutes:


    After that, its really tough. For the sake of not agonizing over the decision for too long, I'm going to go with this one:

  • edited November -1
    gotta love those hoverdogs!
  • edited November -1
    here are my two favorite pictures
  • edited November -1
  • edited July 2008
    Here are mine, the first pic is from when we just got Kaia - we just got her home from driving to get her from Patrice in Maryland.
  • edited July 2008
    These are mine.
  • edited November -1
    I like that one of ninja and portia they look like they have a strong bond. They also look like they own the couch. Is there any specific breeds that mesh well with shibas cause i might get another dog in the future?
  • edited July 2008
    Male Shiba/Female Shiba tend to be the best. The bond that Maui and Kaia have is really sweet. Portia is a very small boxer and super submissive, she is approaching 2 years old at only 35 lbs. They get along and play REALLY well together, I am very lucky. Boxers have a very high energy level and are very boisterous - if she was 55-65 lbs. - i'd be a little worried if they played the way that they do. But - when looking for a seconds dog - you should always bring your dog to meet it before making the decision to add to your pack. I don't think breed matters as much - but you should try to get a dog with the same energy level and size.

    Here is a video of my 2 playing.

  • edited November -1
    Romi: is that dirt on Ninja's front legs or does he have red spots on them? Its pretty cool looking! I've never noticed them before.
  • edited November -1
    LOL! No its not dirt! They are red spots. He has freckles on his legs :)
  • RyuRyu
    edited July 2008
    Here are my two faves:


  • edited November -1
    Mylie's puppy pic on her first day home, still my favorite :)

  • edited November -1
    and one of her most recent pictures:

  • edited November -1
    Pam - I love the one of Rye with Tim's boots - that's just precious!
  • edited November -1
    Ryu, that picture passed out by the shoes is priceless!
  • edited November -1
    & budweiser, your little koda is soooooo adorable, can I have him?
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Yep :-) Ryu loves everything about his daddy - even his stinky boots hahaha
  • edited November -1
    I made that one into a cartoon because I liked his big grin so much:
  • edited November -1
    OMG Heidi!!! Tojo has to be one of the CUTEST shiba pups i have ever seen!!!
  • edited November -1
    Heidi - I really like that second pic.
  • edited November -1
    Damn Heidi, didn't you read the rules? Two favorites. :-P Now I wanna go post more. :-(

    That first pic of Tojo is unbelievably cute! And him with Isaac (I'm assuming its Isaac anyway) is adorable! :-)
  • edited November -1
    Whoops, I guess I missed the two photo rule! How embarassing!
  • edited November -1
    woohoo picture time !!!!!!!!!!

    when I first got tyler


    graduating puppy school at petsmart

  • edited November -1
    Thanks LoveMyMylie he is cute sometimes but he is crazy. My gf was joking today about putting him up for sale on petfinder or giving him away but i would never do that. If I do you will be the first on my list for adoptive parents.
  • edited November -1
    ^Wait till he get his shots and take him to puppy training classes, he be a little less crazy
  • edited November -1
    Awww wowsers.. fantastic shots ALL of em ...Love them all!!! :) So...Hondru when you making a cartoon of leo for me hahah!!! brill guys...keep em i wish i lived near everyone can you imagine us and our shibas alltogether...Leo just had a case of the zoomies...hilarious!!i take it thats your name for the crazy antics or running around jumping in circles!!? briliant!!!
  • edited July 2008
    So I like this one
    (no shibas were tossed i the making of these photos...) Moto is just as powerful as Thors hammer...
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