Berndt pack this week...

edited July 2008 in General
So my friend Nikki came over on Thursday with her 14 month old son Rex. She and I had coffee and Piglet came with us. Piglet is WONDERFUL with babies. SO she came along. It was a lovely morning and Piglet got to lick icing off Rex's fingers. I brought her home and let her nap in my bedroom.

I then introduced Rex to Moto and Miko. Miko LOVED Rex. Rex did not love Miko. She is quite the kissing bandit and kind of overwhelmed the little guy.

Moto however was a star. Moto, who can play quite rough, especially with tennisballs (he has nipped adults quite a few times during games of fetch, we're working on it). HE WAS PERFECT. Rex would have the ball and without me having to say a word he would wait until Rex handed him the ball and would ever so gently pick it up and hand it back to Rex. He was so sweet and gentle with the little boy I could cry. I am so proud of my little man.

Then that afternoon, PIglet started limping. She and I are driving to our calendar shoot (Piglet and I are Misses October in the Pin Ups for Pit Bulls Calendar 2009) in Maryland. I wasn't going to drive that far without having her checked out. So she and I went to the vet (otherwise known as the president of Piglets fan club). She thinks Piglets patella luxated (figures, my one dog who isn't at high risk for LP) and went back. She said it shouldn't be a major concern. She is to take it easy until we get back and is taking an antiinflammetory for a few day.

So Jay and the Japanese members of the pack will have the house to themselves for a few days. I expect to come home to lampshades on everyones heads and a burned out XBOX ;)

Wish me luck


  • edited November -1
    wow! that is a fabulous social experience for the pups! I'm glad they did so well with the baby!

    Have fun at the photo shoot! Can't wait to see the results!
  • edited July 2008
    Sorry to hear about Piglet's knee. :-( I'm glad its nothing serious though.

    And that must have been heart warming to see Moto's gentle play with Rex. Got any pictures? *looks super hopeful*

    Have fun at the calendar shoot. I too am eagerly awaiting the results! :-)
  • edited November -1
    Sorry to read about Piglet knee. But if the president of her fan club says it shouldn't be a big concern, I guess it should be ok.
    That's nice of Moto to play gently with Rex.
    You and Piglet have fun at the shoot!!
  • edited November -1
    That sux about Piglet's knee - I hope it was just a one time deal.

    That's really cute that your whole pack did well with Rex... It seems a lot of dogs just know that children are more fragile. So sweet.

    Good luck on the photo shoot and drive safe!

  • edited November -1
    There's never a dull moment with doggers! Have a great photo shoot.
  • edited November -1
    Great news regarding the toddler and the pups.

    You MUST remind us about the calendar when we get close to 2009.
  • edited November -1
    Consider it done. As soon as I have a calendar to promote you will all hear about it...
  • edited November -1
    Sorry to hear about Piggy's knee :(

    Thats awesome that your pack did so well with Rex. Its really amazing to watch how dogs are so gentle with kids. Portia does so well with my 2 yr old nephew - it always makes me smile.

    Have fun at the photo shoot!!! Im excited to see the finished product!
  • edited November -1
    Poor Piggy. Is LP at all common with pits? Did the vet recommend glucosamine?

    It's always nice when our dogs surprise us by being really good when you don't really expect it. I'm sure Moto got a lot of treats for his very good behavior.
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