Nail sanding

edited July 2008 in General
Ever since Sasha's bite incident with the nail clippers, I've been looking into other ways of trimming her nails. Today I tried using a rotary tool to sand them down, and it worked out pretty well. She was sitting and only struggling a little, so no need to hold her down. I was thinking that the noise was going to scare her since she's sensitive to sounds, but it was relatively quiet and she wasn't freaking out. I only took off a little bit, to get her used to it. She didn't even yelp when I accidentally made one nail bleed. No more clippers for her, just sanding and a lot of chasing the ball on concrete.


  • edited November -1
    That's great! Good girl Sasha! :-)
  • edited November -1
    that's cool - congrats! We have been considering this option too since three of our dogs will not tolerate nail clippings... I think this post may have pushed us to order a dremel or something.

    What did you use?

  • edited November -1
    Here's a good blog on trimming nails with a dremel or clippers.

    Brad, let us know where you find the dremel (too lazy to look right now)
  • edited November -1
    yeah! i need to buy a dremel too..
  • edited November -1
    I'll be honest - I don't personally dremel Jazz's nails - my vet does them for $8 - Jazz is really good about having it done. Let me know what you find - that might be something for me to look into.
  • edited November -1
    Brad- I used a Black&Decker Wizard rotary tool
  • edited November -1
    We've had good luck with the dremmel. We practiced with it off first and the slowly work with one or two toenails moving on to more once they were used to the sound. It took about 3 treats a toe or more at first to get them to hold still.

    They hate the nail clippers.

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