What do you do?

edited July 2008 in General
...for a living? As a hobby? For fun? What do YOU do?

Just thought I'd post something fun :) [ hopefully, no one has made a thread like this already but I hadn't seen one :) ] We have so many great people here on the forums, thought this could help to get to know each other better :D

I personally, work at Best Buy as a Customer Assistant [ meaning, I don't have a "set" department to sell in like computers, I work everywhere ] which is fun since I can go to any department I choose but tiring as it requires knowing everything about everything [ from fridges to cameras ] :)

For fun, I am a HUGE gamer. Absolutely love video games, If I get a new one & can find time from work I can easily go 6 hours non stop. I've also been a hobby-web designer for 7 years in coding & photoshop & also draw on the side.

Oh! & I love rollerblading, though I've just picked it up again from when I was a kid. Super fun!

So how about you guys? :D!~


  • edited November -1
    As a hobby, I train and walk dogs. For fun, I do horseback riding and scuba diving. And also I like drawing animals and writing stories.
  • edited November -1
    hmm.. i work at a university in the Art Therapy Department. But I'm an adhoc English/Environmental Law student here part time too.
    I really enjoy animal rescue and rehabilitation, I'm learning a great deal about canine nutrition and holistic practices like acupressure and I'm learning to become certified in Reiki which I use on Kitsune a great deal. I love music and organic gardening and cooking, and hiking and being in nature and traveling. I hope to be able to share all the places I've traveled with my husband someday..

    oh, and I'm a Sims2 FANATIC! Right now my sim is breeding Japanese Akitas. Yeah, its that cool!
  • edited November -1
    For work I'm a Dance Instructor (certified in Ballet, Tap, Jazz and Acrobatics). I'm a former professional dancer, so I spent my 18-23 years touring the US, Canada, Mexico and Australia - truly lucky to have that experience!

    As far as hobbies go... I love home improvement and cleaning (crazy I know!). I also love to cook... food is my weakness!!!!! I am also a gamer - although my partner is a little more into it than I am. Currently I'm only playing World of Warcraft and Wii - when I'm not entertaining the new puppy. Luckily she loves to sit on my lap and watch WoW (or TV)... never had a dog so interested in what's going on on the screen - not interactive, just enjoys sitting and watching things move I guess :o)

    For fun I love to go out for happy hour (cheap drinks and food... what could be better!?!) - or just chill on the couch with a good movie.
  • edited November -1
    I have a really shitty job, other than the fact that it allows me to spend most of my time doing nothing on the computer.

    Fall 2009 I am going back to school for radiography so I can start some sort of career.

    I volunteer with the humane society, I take pictures, and I cook for hobbies.
  • edited November -1
    For work, I manage an online retailer of aftermarket wheels and tires for various motorcars.

    For fun, I like to spend as much time as possible with Ninja and Portia(oh yeah and Romi). When they ignore me ... I go play golf.

    Other than that, I SLEEP.

    Sounds exciting, doesn't it ?

    But, I wouldn't change anything for the world.

  • edited November -1
    My current job, I work as a Student Custodian at a local school. Summer job. In the fall -- i'll be attending college and going for my BFA in Illustration, for the next 4 years. ugh.

    In my spare time ( which is not very much at all ), I surf the web, design websites, draw, play my Wii, take Toby for hikes ... aand uhm. Yeah. Sleep. Sleeping is fun.

    In the future, I plan to illustrate childrens books, maybe get into advertising design. I'd also like to extend my knowledge on dogs, and their behaviors, possibly become a behaviourist aand possibly breed and show Nihon ken. 83 yaay.
  • edited November -1
    im underwriting/customers service Homeowners , so I get alot of what if questions.
    im a dj / club promoter Shark club costa mesa
    seasonal job ; work at photo studo for school dance .
    act rep for vendors : mostly doing asistant selling @ BestBuy around S. cali.
  • edited November -1
    I'm a Sales Coordinator for a Grass Seed Company, but will head back to school Spring 09 so that I can teach Biology/Chemistry to high schoolers (first, I own a shiba, then I want to work with teenagers - glutton for punishment). My current job is okay - I do a lot research on seed genetics and trying to transform the technical into learnable material for sales reps. I also create autoplay cds that integrate vid, pics, and data sheets. I also get to do some fun stuff with the company at corporate gigs - dealing with PGA Tour, Nascar, and a few other venues.

    Hobbies - photography, cooking, scrapbooking (a couple of times a year), and spending time with my brothers & their kids. I'm not much of a gamer - more of a lack of time than anything else. I'm pretty involved in my church - especially with drama & puppets. I love to travel, but work & money have limited that area for right now. I read a lot...I tend to have 2-3 books going at a time and usually read 3-4 in a week. In summer, I don't read very much because there's so much more going on around me.

    I'm also working with Jazz on becoming a therapy dog - I'd like to take her with me when I volunteer at the medically fragile children camps. Dogs are always a big hit - a lot of the families can't handle having "one more thing" to take care of, so the kids like to be able to love on a dog when they can.
  • edited November -1
    DjHyper66 - Sharks, huh ? I remember(well, not really) many a night I spent at Sharks.

  • edited November -1
    I am a forensic analyst for the Commonwealth of Virginia. I am also going back to school to get my Master's in Biology and a teaching certificate.

    LJ - I am with you on the teaching Biology to high school students! Are we nuts? Eventually though, I want to get my phD and become a professor at some elite university that pays big bucks! (haha, yeah right!)

    My hobbies are trying to teach Bella and Nola to become polite little Shibas... That and I dabble in photography a bit and am a musician. (I minored in music in college.) I play piano, flute, guitar, and violin. Although flute is really the only thing I play well! :)

    For fun I love to hike and camp and mountain bike. Pretty much anything that takes me outside will do! I also like to play some video games from time to time, but usually only in the winter. And I love to read. Give me a book, a blanket, and a tree and I am the happiest girl alive!
  • edited July 2008
    I played the flute for about 15 years - I was never that great of a player, my technical best equaled a gifted one's sight-read! I'm impressed with anyone that can play one instrument well, much less being able to play several. The master's shouldn't take that long (1 year - if I'm not working), but it's just the time & money to go back. I used to love being outside/outdoors until I screwed up my knees in college (first time around)- between them and arthritis, it's a bit painful to do the activities & sports that I loved.
  • edited November -1
    I'm a Real Estate Agent in NYC. A far cry from my engineering degree from Syracuse.

    Scuba diving, turning wood, cooking, horseback riding,

    For Fun:
    Read, goto the gym, travel, going to the opera, dancing and head down the shore.
  • edited November -1
    WORK: I'm a self employed programmer, I build RIAs [Rich Internet Apps]. I specialize in Flash/Flex development - but no graphics work, strictly programming. [tho I went to art school and my degree is in computer animation]. Jen [my wife] and I also have a very small breeding program.

    HOBBIES: Snowboarding, Mountain biking, SCUBA, Hiking, Camping, Mushing [I try to], Surfing [when I'm near an ocean], Playing with my dogs... I am trying to get better at taking pictures too - I'm really not good at it tho.

    FUN: Other than my hobbies, I love to spend time w/ my wife, eat, and sleep - sleeping is really like my favorite thing to do... I dunno what that says about me or my life tho. :o\ I also like "geeking out" with other geeks and nerds.

  • edited November -1
    I am a humble public servant (GIS Analyst). It is interesting and much less stress than the private sector.

    The pups, home repairs, and my daughter take the lion’s share of my free time these days. Back when there was less to do I liked to play video games, mess around with computers and amateur radio, and spend time in the ocean. I dabble with goggle sketch up and painter X and like tobyshiba I too hope to one day write and illustrate a children’s book.

    I also like to lift weights, but I’ve been out of the gym for a while now and I’ve got to get back on track.
  • edited November -1
    Yay for geeks and nerds! :o)
  • edited November -1
    I also play the flute- been playing for about 6 years. and another hobby is doing martial arts.
  • edited November -1
    I played the flute too. And I took Jeet Kun Do for a few months and have been thinking of starting up some form of Martial Arts once again. Difficult to find Jeet Kune Do in the East Coast.
  • edited July 2008
    For Work - I am currently in the process of starting my own business - ecommerce website.

    I like to sleep! Eat good food and try new foods. I like watching movies. Spending quality time with the pups and bf. Taking mini-trips. I like to clean - vacuum to be specific. I have an obsession with vacuums now. Training my dogs and learning about dog behavior. Photography/Art. I like to gamble - Texas Hold Em, Pai Gow, and Black Jack. Playing Brain Age on my DS. Playing my wii - especially designing the wii mii characters! Playing Guitar Hero on PS3. Going to museums. When im by myself - I like to shop, get my hair did and peticures are nice. - Ohh! I also love doing little home improvements - especially painting the rooms :) I think thats pretty much it.
  • edited November -1
    Work: I am a police officer in British Columbia

    Play: Scuba diving, kayaking, hiking, mountain biking, fishing and just about anything else outside. I also enjoy yardwork and cooking (when I'm in the mood). I also love road trips on my days off with my motorbike or my car.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Recently quit my job in human resources for the Army to be a stay-at-home doggie mommy. Starting my own boutique featuring handmade crafts and baby items.

    Hobbies/For fun: card-making, scrapbooking, painting (like bedroom furniture, not art), hiking with Ryu and Tim, falling asleep at the beach, cycling, learning new things, reading, meeting other Nihon Ken owners!, online shopping, and sleeping in.
  • edited November -1
    Wow... So many flute players! We should all get together and form a flute choir! (wow, that brings back memories of college!)

    Romi - I love making the wii mii characters also! :)
  • edited November -1
    I am a video editor, but I haven't edited much in a while. I turned to the technical side of it, video encoding/conversion and such, bt I still like to edit and sometimes I will do the finishing part of something.

    For fun, I like photography, cinema (both at theatres and on DVDs, cause of the extras and the making ofs) , driving, hiking (don't do it as much as I'd like to though), watching tv, traveling when possible, and collecting bits of information on loads of subjects, something for which the internet was the most valuable tool ever (they seem to stick). I am also a certified geek/nerd, hehehe. When I feel like it, I like to experiment on cooking. And I'm always trying to find the funny side of everything (sometimes it can be embarrassing).
  • edited July 2008
    I am a workaholic.... I manage a very busy restaurant and run my own photography and graphic design business in what little free time I have. It's funny you ask though, because I have recently decided to make a running escape from the exhaustion of managing a restaurant, and have had interviews both today and yesterday. One for an accountant position, and one for an office assistant... I feel good about both interviews, cross your fingers for me because I am about fed up with 11 hour days!
    My fiance and I also flip houses... We're a bit too ambitious!
    As far as my hobbies go, I LOVE hiking, swimming, running, anything and everything outdoors, as well as music festivals, concerts, comedy shows, traveling, vacations, road trips, and OF COURSE spending time with my puppy.
  • edited November -1
    I too am a bit of a workaholic. I'm currently a Ph.D. student in computer science. I'm hoping to graduate in December of 2009 and all indicators are that I'm academy bound. I've always dreamed of working at a top notch research university. My dissertation is on an authoring paradigm for interactive virtual experiences. I won't ruin this thread, but I can (and literally have) written pages upon pages about my research.

    Hobbies? Well, I love my "job" so on some level I kinda consider many aspects of it a hobby too. In particular, I really enjoy the collaborative nature of my work. I get to travel all over the world to present my research. In the last few years, I've been in many US cities up and down both coasts as well as in Honolulu. I was also in Japan two years ago. There's a good chance I'll be going to Germany and Australia next year. Outside of my "working hobbies", I enjoy cooking, photography, vegging out in front of the tv, hiking, and hanging out with my pups. I used to be really into cars and golf, but my grad school stipend doesn't allow me to support those hobbies and support my dogs at the same time.
  • edited November -1
    *I'm a freelance writer - most often my work can be found in The Canine Chronicle, but I've popped up in a few Shiba publications as well, and I'm also nearing completion of the third draft of my fist screenplay.
    *I'm also a barista :D. I make a darn good dry cappuccino!
    *I'm currently starting my research/application process for graduate school - planning to study folklore or creative writing.

    *I show dogs - I'm currently on a hiatus from the ring, until I get my next prospect - though I'm considering dabbling in UKC.
    *Tracking - Kimi and I just started tracking classes - with any luck we'll someday attain a TD title!
    *Baking/candy making - I'm obsessed with making new desserts and candies, so pretty much any family event that requires one or the other will be "catered" by me. I made the favors for my twin's wedding!
    *Cross country running - I ran for my college, but busted my knee senior year. Since then, I've slowly attempted to rehab it, with the goal of eventually running a marathon. Unfortunately, rehab isn't going so well. :(
    *On weekends, I love going out and bar-hopping with the girls!
  • edited November -1
    Work: Compliance officer for a major banking company, specializing in trust and investment management.

    Hobbies: Walking; reading (mostly when I'm traveling as I find it hard to concentrate during the daily life); reading about or watching shows about cooking and sometimes actually cooking; (to my surprise) spending time with our doggie Josephine just playing and taking walks in the woods and fields at the farm and at the off-leash park; photography; visiting art museums (especially modern and contemporary artists); and the most fun of all is traveling and photographing as I go.
  • edited July 2008
    Work: Hmm I am certifited archeologist / anthropologist :) My master thesis was "The meaning of Chaco-Anasazi road system". But I always compared an archeologist to an actor: You could be only great actor to be remembered, and I know that I am not great archeologist :) So now I am working as Project Manager specializing in e-marketing for Pharma Companies.

    Hobbies: Several years ago RPG's, miniaures games, board games, etc. Now most my time I am spending with my dogs walking, training, showing :)
  • edited July 2008
    Work: Receptionist at a specialty and emergency veterinary facility.
    Hobbies: Spending time with family, bf, friends, and my dogs. Currently I am training the doggies in Obedience, Agility and Flyball. Hiking, biking, swimming, diskgolf, shooting pool, reading, clubbin', dancing, snowmobiling and watching movies are some things I love to do. When I have extra cash I like to travel and horse back ride. And if I ever got a very large amount of cash I would buy a kayak and take it out every day with one of my dogs. I need to save up for one....
  • edited November -1
    Work:Jen and I are engineers/officers in the Air Force. We worked at the research lab in OH, but now work on launching satellites into space.
    Hobbies: Reading, Hiking w/ the dogs, exploring CA, Biking, Horses, Triathlon, Running, Soccer. We're saving up to get motorcycles, mostly for gas to drive to work, but also could be a hobby.
  • edited November -1
    Living Makeup artist
    Hobbies Volunteer at animal shelter. Read. Consume vast quantities of coffee. Lots of walking, and reading. Not enough yoga. And I bake. I am doing my first wedding cake next week.
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