Toby isn't eating

edited July 2008 in General
So, its been day three of Toby not eating. He was starting to get a little weak today, he isn't as hyper as normal. So, I decided to find out what is wrong. I smelled the food ... and it smelled sour. Like, nauseating sour. I don't know why he would eat it! My parents leave the dog food in our basement, and obviously that is the root of the problem. So, Toby and I rushed out this morning to a local pet store to try and get some Eagle Pack puppy, a fresh bag. The store I normally go to is 30 minutes away, and I couldn't afford the gas to get there... And the store I went to did not have any Eagle Pack at all ( but they had every other darn food you could think of )! I went into panic mode in the store and was freaking out.

So, I grabbed the next best thing I could find -- Wellness Puppy. All of his Eagle Pack Puppy went bad, I think. So, I just dumped some of the Wellness into his bowl and he gobbled it up. I know i'm supposed to transition him into it slowly, but I was incredibly desperate and I don't want him eating spoiled food.

Was this a good choice? I don't think i'll have time to go to the normal store I frequent to get a fresh bag of Eagle pack, since ... we're going camping for a week on Sunday and we're getting packed today. I'm in such a jiffy. D:


  • edited November -1
    You can give him some Pepcid AC to help his stomach while eating the Wellness. 1/4 of a 10 mg regular Pepcid will definately help settle it. I switch my dogs over to new food without transitioning and they never get sick. Plain yogurt would help with digestion too and discourage diahrrea.
  • edited November -1
    thank you, i'll be sure to pick up some plain yogurt when we go food shopping today. :)
  • edited November -1
    Wellness is a good food, no worries. He will be fine with the switch - a little diarrhea is better than him starving.

    We keep our dog's food in plastic resealable containers to keep it fresh, you may want to consider doing that is its kept in a place that might make it go bad quicker.

    I'm glad he is eating!

  • edited November -1
    ew, thats gross about the food.. you should call Eagle Pack and see if they can refund you or something if it wasn't past the date. poor toby!
    i switched one of mine over to grain free in just 3 days and had no stool issues. i also give them plain no sugar added (organic if possible) yogurt in the AM - or cottage cheese works too.

    Eagle Pack i found, especially the fish formula, would get 'ripe' after about a month opened regardless of the date, even if I took great care to seal the bag with rubber bands and a clip. The smell would change and the texture too. So I started buying smaller bags at a time b/c they were air tight resealable, but now we're done with kibble!
  • edited November -1
    He did poop a few hours after eating it, it wasn't total diarrhea, but i'd rather that he has something to eat, than nothing at all. :(

    I was also looking at Innova Evo, but the protein jump was huge ( 23% Eagle pack to 40% Innova Evo ), and i'd rather transition him really slowly if I plan to go to a grain free food.

    At least the Wellness has no wheat, corn, and soy in it. I'm not sure what grains make him have eye boogers, but I wipe his eyes 3-4 times a day. Its kinda gross! :(
  • edited November -1
    Hachi has an allergy to rice of any kind that greats icky gooies, I believe, I'm not 100% positive, but I'm pretty sure thats it.
    JessicaRabbit's Moto had grain allergies too I think.. maybe she can say what he had issue with.
  • edited November -1
    I got a nice big thing of plain nonfat yogurt last night when we went shopping. I'm going to give him some this morning. :)
  • edited November -1
    Moto totally had grain allergies. Truthfully, I didn't transition him at all when I realized it. The way I saw it the allergy was inflaming his colon as much or more than switching his food would. Once I took him off grain he was fine. Make sure your yogurt is UNSWEETENED. And try mixing some pumpkin (as Jen mentioned make sure it isn't pumpkin pie filling, just pumpkin) into the kibble. His tummy should thank you for it. Moto has no more issues (other than the fact that sometimes he eats so much grass that I have to pull blades from his butt, eeewww)
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