[VIOLENCE WARRNING] Serbian Sheepdog vs. Wolf

edited July 2008 in General
This is a video I found on another forum - its from a TV documentary called "Perfectly Natural" from 2004.

*This could bother some people so you should know - it involves a Serbian Sheepdog and a Wolf fighting.

I think this video is amazing on many levels...

1 - Watch the wolf run, so smooth and elegant. Looks so much like watching Loa run!

2 - The wolf jumps a 5+ foot fence with absolutely no problem.

3 - The Serbian Sheepdog gets to business - I mean he really does his job.

4 - I think its interesting how the wolf just hangs out for a bit after the initial fight. I would think it would run off pretty quick - it stands its ground. Wolves are tough! [may be an obvious statement, I just see them as more skittish than to stick around and antagonise a dog... but I may be naive]

5 - The fighting style of the two animals is vastly different. The style of the Serbian Sheepdog is very "Akitaish" using its large paws to knock its opponent off balance. The wolf uses it back end to block the attacks of the Serbian Sheepdog and launches more targeted strikes. Also the wolf appears to attach first and is clearly much quicker.

6 - That is a freaking huge wolf! That Serbian Sheepdog is probably 85 pounds but I think the wolf is taller!

Ok, the video...



  • edited November -1
    It's a very interesting video indeed. Looks a bit staged, but you still can see how they connect in a fight.
    I too doubt a wolf would hang around after that initial scuffle. A lone wolf normally follows the "live to fight another day" rule. But if the wolf was really hungry, he might decide to defend the meal.
    I don't know about the wolves around those parts, but here the Iberian Wolf manages to get to 75cm to the withers and weigh over 40Kg.
  • edited November -1
    that was fascinating, although my scars throb when I even anticipate a dog fight.. it was still interesting to watch.
    I'm also suprised the wolf wasn't more aggressive with defending that meal, but he had to have been at the lamb for a while to have it as open as it was in the video and then there was the gun shot.
  • edited November -1
    The Serbian Sheep Dog held his own. That was pretty impressive. I am convinced that the wolf just said to the dog, "alright, you win. wanna eat? I'll share." All kidding aside, as we continue to over-develop area wild animals are becoming less fearful of us and our lives. The wolf may on some level just be used to dogs.
  • edited November -1
    I agree, it does look a little staged but I dunno how they would stage some of that unless they just didn't give a crap about animal rights... tho maybe the fight was the part that wasn't staged and the rest was shot just to show the story???

    Good point Jessica regarding the over-development.

  • edited November -1
    That was really interesting. You were right, the wolf was very graceful running. They are so beautiful! I wonder why the dog was chained. Shouldn't it be loose in order to perform its duties as an LGD?

    The fight wasn't quite as hectic as I thought it was going to be though.
  • edited November -1
    Awww I want a wolf :\ They're just so greatful & majestic <3

    Ah well, I guess I'll just stick to setting my sights on the wolf's excellent cousin, the dog :)~
  • edited November -1
    This does look oddly staged. I'm thinking that wolf is a pet, or from some sort of sanctuary.

    There is just no way some camera guy hangs out in a sheep pen and gets lucky enough to capture all of that and not have the wolf at least sniff him out.

    The fight between the wolf and dog looked very serious, maybe they fired off a shotgun that was not recorded (sound or video wise) that got them to stop the first time. Maybe it was a real truce?

    Interesting video though.
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