
Has anyone heard of flybite epileptic episodes (aka seizures)?

Besides all of Hachi's other 'stuff'... we've noticed her snapping at the air, like at invisible bugs, and worry that perhaps that is the type of epilepsy we were warned about with her, although that claim never came from a concrete source...
we took her for a general examination which determined her eyes were healthy and took her for a neurological scan that cleared any epilepsy worries we had about her. Because of the good reports, we have focused her rehab towards her fear issues and we are seeing very little improvement, so I'm concerned that there is something else we aren't addressing..
and then we started to take note of the mystery snapping, and after some research came up with flybite epileptic episodes as a very real possibility.

EDA: my source so far


  • edited November -1
    That is a real type of seizure, my co-worker's English Setter puppy had those all the time. Read the page below, you have to scan down to the fourth question on the page.
  • edited November -1
    I had a boxer years ago that was an invisible fly biter. She was never diagnosed with seizures or epilepsy but she frequently displayed irratic behavior and even aggression. She had head tremors as well. We tested her for lyme disease and treated it when we found out she was positive. Lyme disease, although not common, can cause neurological issues. If it is Lyme, you will see an improvement in the first 3-5 days of tratment. Lyme disease also caused what could only be described as "night blindness". All these weird idioscyncrasies dissapeared once we began doxycycline. Once the 30 day treatment was up, she had returned to normal. (As normal as she could be, she was always a really nervous dog anyways)
  • edited November -1
    thanks Kelly.. I had never heard of it until I was researching some symptoms and got on the phone with the neurologist that looked her over a month and a half ago or so, and he said to look this up and its symptoms.

    Brad (G) - thats something I had not even considered! I don't know if her former owners kept her tick protected and she did live in a heavily wooded area.. i'm gonna get her tested!!! THANKS!
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