Great playtime today :)

edited July 2008 in General
Every day at 5 pm, me and some other dog owners from my apartment building come to the empty parking garage for playtime in the next door building, which hasn't been finished yet. Today just Sasha and a golden retriever, Ben, were there. Ben is a relatively new dog in our play pack (there are 7 dogs total), just moved in a few months ago while all the others have been here for a year or more. originally I didn't like him much since Sasha had been attacked by a golden retriever, but I tried not to discriminate just based on breed. I'm happy to say that Ben completely changed my opinion on goldens. He's great with almost all the dogs, and loves playing with Sasha. today they had an exceptionally terrific time. Sasha was running around with him, circling the building and us, doing her famous circle sprints while the slower Ben ambled after her. She used to do circle sprints quite often, but hasn't done them for quite a long time. I love it when she runs like this, she's like a greyhound in full gallop, so fast and graceful. after about 7 minutes of this intense running, she and Ben were both tired and walked with me and Ben's owner to the other end of the garage, to where the grass is. This garage has an interesting shape, it's at ground level, the building sits on top of it on columns, except for a part in the middle where the door and elevators are. surrounding the parking spaces is a thin strip of grass where the dogs do their stuff, and at one end it's got a larger grassy area. it's completely fenced, though the fencing is high and some dogs can go under it. not Sasha though, she hates going under things. there are two gates for cars, but one of them sometimes opens when people enter the other building, so we usually stay away and play in the other end. plus I can even go there in the rain since it's under the roof. Basically, it's like a dog park practically in my backyard. I'm going to miss this place and Sasha's dog friends when I move in a month.
So as we get to the grassy area, the dogs get their second wind, and Sasha starts sprinting around again like she hasn't done in ages, lightning fast with sharp turns. Ben couldn't keep up, but he was on the inside of the circles so she got slobbered on anyway. I'm really satisfied with how things went today. :-)


  • edited November -1
    Sounds like a lot of fun,and the place sounds really great to play with dogs. :-)
  • edited November -1
    sounds like a really cool place.
  • edited November -1
    That does sound great. I wish my neighborhood dog owners would bring their dogs out to play. If I'm lucky. one will be there, but usually not even that. I must confess, I'm a bit jealous. ;-)
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