akita with a shiba

edited August 2008 in General
Im thinking about getting an Akita in the next year or so does anyone have an Akita and a Shiba combination and what do you think about it? I was just curious if they mesh well? I know all dogs are different and it depends on the dog but I was just curious if anyone had first hand experience.


  • edited November -1
    Not sure how many people own Shibas and Akita together. I know Brad does! :) I'm sure he'll say something about it, soon.
  • edited August 2008
    Yes, we own Akita and Shiba. Our Shiba are not typical of the breed tho, as far as temperament goes, but generally speaking I think they do well together. It will be especially nice in your case since the Akita will be a puppy and the Shiba will be older so the Akita will learn to respect the Shiba early on - if it was reversed I would be concerned about the Akita's prey drive. Also, for the Shiba, I would add the Akita before the Shiba reached 1.5 - 2 years so that the Shiba is still playful and accepting. Really, IMHO, the younger you can introduce dogs the better.

    We have a friend that has a Shiba and his brother has an Akita [Huku and Teddy] and they do really well together too.

    I would suggest getting an Akita of the opposite sex of your Shiba. Also be very selective in what Akita breeder and bloodlines you get you Akita from, temperament can very extensively in Akita based on bloodlines alone.

    You will love an Akita tho - they are soooooooooooooooooooooo great! :o)

  • edited November -1
    I don't have an Akita/Shiba mix, but I do agree with Brad. Akita are amazing!!!!!!!
  • edited November -1
    btw, no bias whatsoever in the previous comment ;-P
  • edited November -1
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