Nihon Ken Information Web Site

edited August 2008 in General
Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well :)

First off, I just wanted to say thank you to all the members here on & of course, Brad, for making & maintaining this forum! This is a really great community that supports one another & always try to help each other for the better, even if it means saying something someone may not want to hear. You've all have stood by me & patiently answered all my silly questions, and when you guys saw I was getting a pup from a poor breeder back in June, tons of people spoke out to help me & make me aware. So I just wanted to, no, I needed to say, Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Now I hope you can bare with me a little, once again ;)

I've sort of had this idea bubbling in my head for a while, basically an information web site about the 6 nihon ken. Unfortunately, as you all know, there isn't really that much information on these great breeds, and in many cases, the information that is available isn't even accurate! [ I still can't get over the fact a website posted that Shikoku are WolfDogs, mind I don't have anything against wolfdogs, but really, a shikoku is not a hybrid! ]

Anyway, I'd really love the website to be an all around source of information for people just discovering these breeds. Whether we like it or not, these breeds are becoming far more popular each & every day, & I strongly believe people should really know what they're getting into before acquiring any of the nihon ken. [ or really, any dog for that matter, but there is far more accurate information out there on labs & pugs then there are on kai ken, or even a dog as popular as the akita ]

That being said, I do hope you guys don't mind if I ask for your help in this endeavor! This is a project that I intend to work on over the next month, [ I would like to get it up & running before then, if time allows ] The layout, for the most part, is nearly finished, so once I'm completely satisfied with it I'll post it.

So...What would you really like to see in a website like this? What do you think is important that be listed on there? I'd also appreciate any suggestions, tips, comments, or concerns. I want to make this site the best I can possibly make it, & I know if I have you guys it can be really great!

Also, I'm having a bit of trouble discerning truth from fiction on the websites for the nihon ken, so if any one has links which have accurate information I'd be really appreciative!

Oh, I also plan on purchasing a domain name for the website. [ if you don't know what a domain name is, an example, the domain name for this site is ] however I'm having serious trouble coming up with a name for the site, so I'd be really thankful for any suggestions! [ also, would you rather the domain name end in .com, .org, .net, etc. ? ]

Oh & I'm sure some of you ware wondering, as for content for the site, what I have planned. I was thinking of having something like this; [ each bullet point would have a page of it's own ]

Information - Each Breed would have a page dedicated to each of the following;
- General Info [ height, weight, temperament, breed standard, etc. ]
- History
- Ups & Downs of Owning each Breed
- Breed Need-To-Knows
- Frequently Asked Questions

Before You Get Your Dog - Information for first-time dog owners.
- What to Expect with your Dog
- Finding a Good Breeder [ breed specific ]
- Breeder vs. Rescue
- Puppy Supply Check-List
- Suggested Reading

After You Get Your Dog - Information for what to do after you get your dog
- The Importance of Routine
- The Importance of the Vet
- The Importance of Quality Food
- The Importance of Obedience Training
- The Importance of Crate Training

Community - This would be a link to the forum

Gallery - An Image gallery for each breed.

Miscellaneous - Possibly a mixed assortment of articles that don't belong anywhere elese.

Links - Basically links out to websites, everything from rescue organizations to akc, breed clubs, possibly breeders, etc.

Anyway, this is all I could think of thus far. I hope you guys don't mind the super-long post. I'm really stoked about this project! & of course, I could use all the ideas & help I can get! I really hope you guys think this is a good idea, I'd love to hear all opinions!

Thanks! <3!~

[ on a side note, I don't know if I posted this in the right discussion category ]


  • edited November -1
    I think this is a great idea, I'm happy to help however I can.

    As for links, I'm sure someone on here can help with Shiba links.

    I can help with Akita:

    Also, I find the information on this site to be generally accurate. A lot of the info on that site was pulled from this book.

    This forum is also a great place for info on the breeds. :o)

    I'll try to think of some more good sources for you.

  • edited November -1
    Thanks so much Brad! I'm going to have to see if I can find myself a copy of that book as well.

    Of course, I plan on ringing out every scrap of information I've found on this forum ;D [ I've already begun to sort through the different threads :) ]

    haha I get so excited every time I think about this project :)~
  • edited November -1
    Keep one thing in mind with regards to Akita...

    In the US and some other countries that don't based their standards on the FCI standards the Akita is one breed, there is no split.

    In other countries that base their Kennel Club standards off the FCI standards the Akita is split into two breeds.

    When researching and writing your section on Akita you need to keep this in mind. A lot of the info on the web [and in books], in regards to the Akita, will be skewed due to the writers opinion of the split and/or merge of the breed(s), you have to read between the lines and seek out info that is written by individuals who do not bare some type of emotional biased due to the breed split or merge.

    I also would stay away from *most* info found on breeder's websites - this info can be misleading as well, since a lot of breeders will describe the breed based on their experience with *their* dogs and not the experience with all dogs of their breed [that's called kennel blindness].

  • edited August 2008
    I'd be interested to see what type of information you are interested in featuring for the shiba inu. There is a ton of information out there (compared to the other nihon ken breeds) if you look for it on Shibas, but only one that I regard to be as close to truthiness as it gets (The Misanthropic Shiba).

    I could provide you with a lot of what you are asking for in terms of the shiba, I'm working on that myself for my sanctuary blog.
  • edited November -1
    Sounds like a great project Osy! Best of luck.

    My only suggestion would be more of a caution. When you create a resources like this you are increasing people's awareness of the breeds which is both good and bad. Its great to have a coherent source of information. Its bad because it can serve to increase the breed's popularity which can lead to BYBs and puppy mills opportunistically taking advantage of the breed's rarity. Thus, my suggestion would be to reinforce how important it is to rescue or purchase from a reputable breeder. Make that theme as prominent as possible and put it in as many places as possible.
  • edited August 2008
    Brad - Thanks Brad! Just so that I'm sure, the split is between the Akita & The "American" Akita [ which is also called "The Great Japanese Dog" ] right? I know one of the books I own, which is called "The Legacy of the Dog" [ it also has info on the other 5 nihon ken ] makes a distinction between the two. I keep meaning to scan the pages & post them, as to be honest, I'm not entirely sure how accurate the info is. I'll scan them tonight...

    Jen - Hmm.. I'm not really sure yet to be honest :D I guess right now I'm just trying to gather accurate sources of information...I've definitely read through the Misanthropic Shiba several times & think it's a really good basis for temperament of the breed :)

    Dave - Oh! Believe me, I had thought of this, which is why I wanted to include a section "Before You Get a Dog." Unlike most dog breed websites, rather then being general information on the breed...I want it to sort of...well..."scare" away people. can I explain...I want the website to not only focus on the great aspects of the breed, but also the faults as well. The nihon ken are truly different in temperament then most of the dogs people are used to [ ie; goldens, labs, pugs, poodles, etc. ] As an example, people out there may be getting Shibas thinking they are this adorable little foxy-looking lap dog that will follow them wherever they go. Well, I want to erase that image from people's minds. True, Shibas love their master, but it takes a lot of work to get them to heel, they have to be on leash at all times, & if not socialized properly, consistently, & early, they can [ & may still be ] dog aggressive. Now, this will scare away potential owners who are not willing to handle the breed, I would prefer this then someone who goes out & buys a puppy from a pet store, rears the pup into a poorly-socialized dog, then, when he can no longer deal with the adult dog, drops the poor thing off at a shelter.

    I guess what I should say is, the main point of this website is for people to know what they are getting into. The point of this website is not to "advertise" the breeds as the "perfect" dogs, but to scare away poor-potential owners and provide those who are truly dedicated & who are willing to work with the breed's faults, as accurate information as possible.

    Uhh...Not to say that the breeds have faults either. D: [ I just cant think of a better word to use ] I love all 6 of the nihon ken! I personally don't care about the fact that really all of the nihon ken need to be leashed when walked. I am a firm believer of leashing dogs when you are walking them, for their safety [ running off & getting hit by cars / getting lost / etc. ] & for the safety of others [ them running off & quarreling with another dog / person / etc. ] However, some people would consider this a "fault." Some people really want dogs who they can walk without a leash. Remember how I was considering getting a Kai Ken? Well, I live in an apartment, & my concern was a lack of a yard. Well, this website say Kai's make great apartment dogs! Well, of course I thought I'd ask you guys first, & we confirmed Kai Ken really aren't suited to apartment life for a number of reasons. [ though this may be considered "subjective" ] Now, even though I absolutely love Kai I am not willing to put one through stress just so I can have one in the family. Do I consider this a "fault." No, however, right now, the kai is not suitable for my lifestyle.

    Also, most people have really generic information on finding a good breeder. I'd like to get into a little more detail on finding a good breeder for each breed. [ ie; A breeder who breeds cream Shibas is not a very good breeder. A breeder who breeds "toy" shibas is not a good breeder. etc. ]

    I hope that made sense :D I know I didn't mention it in the first post but this was sort of my real intention for the site. If the website deters even one person from buying one of the breed because it is not the right "fit" for him, & allows another person to discover the breed, accept the breeds' shortcomings & quirks...& then goes to adopt one of the nihon ken, then I feel the website will have done it's job. :)~
  • edited November -1
    Also, emphasize that people should research and put time into whether or not these are the breeds for them. Many ... idiots get dogs like the Shiba because they're cute -- but they don't look into how their temperaments are, and how vigorous of socializing that is involved in the breed. And when its too much for them to handle, they give up ... and take the easy way out, dump the poor dogs into a shelter and don't bother trying anything else.

    It's important that people need to realize that yes, these breeds are recommended for experienced dog owners who do know how to handle spitz breeds, and primitive attitudes.

    Also, its not like they don't exist to the rest of the world. The Nihon ken are in my Dog Encyclopedia by DK, and i'm sure people look at the photos and go 'aww cute, I want one!' Those kind of books lack the detail of the breed, and usually focus on the history, but forget to mention about how primitive they are and how hard some of them are to handle.

    So, instead of simply leaving idiots to dote on cute photos of our beloved breeds, why not educate? At least if you emphasize the importance of things, and tell them to go to reputable breeders and list the signs of bad breeders, then your doing more good than showing them a few pictures and letting them off on their own.
  • edited November -1
    My point exactly Steph :D~
  • edited November -1
    n___n Exactly.
    Also, I do love the idea. If you can bunch all the breeds into one site -- it'd be much easier. :0 And since many of us have experiences with one or some of the Nihon Ken, it can help to contribute to make the site even more useful and educational.
  • edited November -1
    Yes, I think the areas of the site that will be most lacking are that of the Hokkaido & Kishu D: Also, I'm a bit nervous about the akita since, as Brad said, there are much politics involved with them D:~
  • edited August 2008
    Osy - yes, that is correct regarding the Akita split.

    In America there is one breed called "Akita".

    In the FCI standard they are "Akita Inu" & "Great Japanese Dog".

    Keep in mind that both the FCI breeds originated from Japan - the "America" nomenclature was added to the "look" of the "Great Japanese dog" after WW2. In America the two FCI "types" are merged and "blended" together by most breeders [especially ACA members].

    Loren England did a great job with his site of breaking down the history of the breed and where/when the various types appeared.


    Interesting side note - about Shikoku, one that I just remembered. A lady named Mitsko Suzaki, who is a treasure full of great info, that is on one of the Akita lists had this to say in regards to the Tosa region, Shikoku-Ken, and Tosa Inu:

    "...and Shikoku island was the territory of Tosa Clan, and the dog fight to maintain the spirit bravely of Samurai in the time of peace...before Meiji restoration and civil war between Emperor and Tokugawa Shogunate...that is where the effort was made to create the stronger breed to be able to win over Akita in Odate.... ....I can see the swiftness of Shikoku was bred into Mastiff type "fighting dogs" and although there seems to be more typy Shikokus, majority seems to be extra "premitive" look. Samurai from Shikoku Island was callled as Tosappo then, very rough and fearless......"

    *This is the type of info I love to read about the breeds, so interesting. :o)

  • edited November -1
    Brad! you are an endless source of information ;p Thank you so much for the link, though to be honest the first page I went to was to read the Story of Hachiko haha It's been my favorite since I was a just really makes me remember why I love dogs so much. [ as much as I know that the ramifications of that upcoming Hachiko movie on both the akita & shiba breeds isn't going to be great, a tiny part of me is very excited to see the film. ] The guilt D:

    & that really is an amazing quote. She phrased that quote very well, when I read it, it was like I was back in feudal Japan with the dogs living loyally side-by-side with their masters. It's great :)~
  • edited November -1
    I tear up every time I hear/see/read the Hachiko story. I always thought it was a great story but once we got Hilo, our first Akita, it took on a whole new meaning for me.

    Akita really are amazing and special dogs.

    Hilo... that guy is just great... When he is inside he wants nothing more than to just be out of the way, but close at the same time. Under Jens desk... this big guy lays under her desk all day but is never in her way. Every now and then he licks her feet. lol.

    When he is outside he just wants to be a big dorky goof. Runs all around, rolls, plays... He's so silly!

    He has NEVER shown aggression - once at a dog park he was attacked by a freaking Whippet! He ran away from it! lol!

    Then a few months ago Jen was walking him and this off leash lab/chow mix charged her aggressively, she got really scared and screamed (Jen rarely gets freaked by dogs) - Hilo grabbed that dog by the neck and pined him... nothing too rough, just enough to say "That's my mom, back off!".

    He's just really cool, he's really special.


    Now that I think about it... what's great about Akita is they don't flaunt "it"... they just know they are/have "it" and that's all that matters.

    The more confident an Akita is the more goofy and fun they are. But when they need to show you they have "it"... They show you "it" and after they show you, you know - its clear - they've got "it". Then they go back to being goofs.

    "it" = confidence/loyalty/courage/intelligence/heart


    sorry to go all off topic in you post. :o\

  • edited August 2008
    It really is an amazing story :)

    I've said it before, & I'll say it again, despite the fact that I can say Shikoku are my favorite breed right now, Hilo has been my favorite out of your pack ;p You can just tell he's a gigantic softy! I remember I watched one of your videos a few months ago of you & Jen feeding the pups & Hilo was the first one to run into his crate wanting to get fed, It's my favorite video haha & those ears, I love his ears D:

    Akita are just great that way. There's just this really great impression you get from akitas that you don't really get from other dogs. Years ago, my father went to work on a guys house [ he does flooring & construction work ] & the guy was an akita breeder. He bred really massive akita. It was the first my dad had ever seen an akita & he fell in love & when he came home he made us look at Akita pictures on the internet for 3 hours & spoke about nothing but Akita for a week haha He wants a house so he can get an Akita D: [ unfortunately, as I've said before, they are a restricted breed down here in most places ]

    You know though, & you know better then I do Brad, living by myself...I don't think I'd be able to physically control an Akita haha I'm only 5' & I think an akita would really take me for a pull lol

    Aha, but no one's posting anyways so some off-topic goodness is ok ;p~
  • edited November -1
    Managing and controlling a large breed dog really doesn't have much to do with strength. You just need confidence, leadership, respect and finesse.

    Our Akita are MUCH easier to control than our Shikoku or Kai. :o)

    Keep in mind: Jen is 5 foot, 100 pounds and I am 5' 5" 140 pounds - we are not huge either.

  • edited November -1
    Sounds like a big project, but a worthy one...
    Good luck with it. If there's anything you want looked up over here in Japan (or Japanese) let me know and I'd be happy to help.
  • edited November -1
    Sounds great, internet is full of misleading info about nihon ken, some of errors are made during translations, some are made from ignorance. I think that it is great idea to gather all info from the owners, and put it in one place :)
  • edited November -1
    Brad - OH! That makes me so happy! It gives me the hope that one day I might be able to get an akita :D [ when, God willing, I have a house of my own ;p ] The whole idea of me being able to handle them, I just worry if I was ever in a situation where I physically needed to control him, I wouldn't be able to. :O

    TheWalrus & ktrebor - Thanks so much guys! I appreciate it :)~
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